7. Maximum Positive Feedbac
The TikTok Content creator’s videos receives feedback from viewers over time, represented as a binary string,
- 1 indicates positive reactions (likes, shares, or comments).
- 0 indicates negative reactions (skips or dislikes).
The creator wants to improve a video’s overall positive reception by strategically targeting a portion of the video for editing or improvement. Here’s the strategy:
- Choose one specific segment of the video (interval [l, r]) to leave unchanged, where 0 ≤ l and r < videoFeedback_size.
- Outside this segment, the plan is to completely change the content—flipping negative reactions to positive (0 to 1) and positive reactions to negative (1 to 0).
The objective is to maximize the total positive feedback (1s) for the entire video after performing this operation.
Note: The operation must be performed only once.
Given videoFeedback_size = 6 and videoFeedback = "100110",
The interval [4 to 5] can be selected as the unchanged segment of the video.
Flipping the bits from index 1 to 3 transforms the string from "100110" to "011110".
Next, flipping the bit at index 0 (i.e., the last bit) changes the string from "011110" to "111110".
As this string contains 5 ones, the output should be 5. There are no intervals that produce an output greater than 5.
Function Description
Complete the function getMaxPositiveFeedback in the editor below.
getMaxPositiveFeedback has the following parameter:
- string videoFeedback: a binary string representing the feedback on a video, where 1 represents positive feedback and 0 represents negative reaction.
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