An IT Company has asked all its employees to reset theirpasswords according to certain rules. Consider an initial passwords of length n that consists of lowercase English letters. Thefollowing operations can be performed any number of times.
Select any character and change it to any other lowercase Englishletter.
Use the minimum number of operations so that after alloperations, some permutation of the string is a palindromeReturn the resultant string. lf there are multiple palindromicpermutations.return the alphabetically lowest of them.
- A permutation of a string contains the same characters, onlythe order of characters can be different. For example, "abcdand "dabc" are permutations of each other.
- In order to determine which of the two strings is alphabeticallysmaller, compare their first elements If they are equal - comparethe second, and so on. String x is alphabetically smallelif x<y; where jis the first index in which x and ydiffer.
Consider n = 4 and s = aebcd.
1 Replace 'e' with "b' and s = 'abbcd - Replace 'd' with 'a' s = 'abbca'
At least 2 operations are required before the string can bepermuted into a palindrome. The palindromic permutations ofthe result are bacab' and 'abcba'. Choose the alphabetically lowerabcba'
Note that the smallest possible palindrome of 5 characters is'aaaaa', but that requires 4 replacements instead of the minimal 2.
Function DescriptionComplete the function findResultantString in the editor below.The function must return a string that denotes the resultant stringobtained after minimizing the number of operations
findResultantString has the following parameter:string s: the original password
s consists of lowercase English letters only.
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