2. Good Subsequences
A subsequence of a given string is generated by deleting zero or more characters from a string, then concatenating the remaining characters. A good subsequence is one where the frequency of each character is the same. Given a string that consists of n Latin letters, determine how many good subsequences it contains. Since the answer can be quite large, compute its modulo (10⁹ + 7).
Note: An empty subsequence is not a good subsequence.
- word =
A total of 15 non-empty subsequences can be formed from words:"a"
, "a"
, "aa"
, "ab"
, "aba"
, "abc"
, "abca"
, "ac"
, "aca"
, "b"
, "ba"
, "bc"
, "bca"
, "c"
, and "ca"
The only subsequences that are not good are "aba"
, "aca"
, and "abca"
as the frequency of character "a"
is 2, and every other character is 1.
The total number of good subsequences = 15 - 3 = 12 and the answer to the above example = 12 modulo (10⁹ + 7) = 12.
Function Description
Complete the function countGoodSubsequences in the editor below.
countGoodSubsequences has the following parameter(s):
- string word: a string that consists of only lowercase Latin letters.
- int: the number of good subsequences modulo (10⁹ + 7).
- 1 ≤ length of word ≤ 10⁵
- word[i] is in the range [a-z]
Sample Input For Custom Testing
Sample Case 0
→ word = "abcd"
Sample Output
All of the non-empty subsequences are good subsequences. They are:"a"
, "ab"
, "abc"
, "abcd"
, "abd"
, "ac"
, "acd"
, "ad"
, "b"
, "bc"
, "bcd"
, "bd"
, "c"
, "cd"
, and "d"
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