[HackerRank] OA 2025 start – 26 Jan (generic)

Problem: Work Schedule


An employee has to work exactly as many hours as they are told to each week, scheduling no more than a given daily maximum number of hours. On some days, the number of hours worked will be given. The employee gets to choose the remainder of their schedule, within the given limits.

A completed schedule consists of exactly 7 digits in the range 0 to 8 that represent each day's work hours. A pattern string similar to the schedule is given, but some of its digits are replaced by a question mark, ?. Replace the question marks with digits such that the sum of the scheduled hours is exactly the hours that must be worked in a week.


  • work_hours: Total hours that must be worked in the week.
  • day_hours: Maximum hours that may be worked in a day.
  • pattern: The partially completed schedule (string of length 7).


Return all possible valid schedules as a list of strings, sorted lexicographically ascending.



pattern = "08??840"
work_hours = 24
day_hours = 4




  • There are two days on which they must work 2 + 20 = 4 more hours for the week.
  • The possible schedules are listed in lexicographical order.

Function Description:

Function Name: findSchedules


  1. work_hours (int): The total hours that must be worked in the week.
  2. day_hours (int): The maximum hours that may be worked in a day.
  3. pattern (str): The partially completed schedule (string of length 7).


  • A list of strings (string arr[]) representing all possible valid schedules, sorted in lexicographical order.


  • 1≤work_hours≤561 \leq \text{work\_hours} \leq 56
  • 1≤day_hours≤81 \leq \text{day\_hours} \leq 8
  • ∣pattern∣=7|\text{pattern}| = 7
  • Each character of pattern ∈ {0, 1, ..., 8, ?}.
  • There is at least one correct schedule.

Problem: Approximate Matching


Given three strings, text, prefixString, and suffixString, find:

  1. prefixScore: The length of the longest substring of text matching the end of prefixString.
  2. suffixScore: The length of the longest substring of text matching the beginning of suffixString.


  • Sum the lengths of the two strings to get the textScore.
  • The substring of text that begins with the matching prefix and ends with the matching suffix and has the highest textScore is the correct value to return.
  • If there are other substrings with equal textScore, return the lexicographically lowest substring.



  • text = "engine"
  • prefixString = "raven"
  • suffixString = "ginkgo"


  • prefixScore = 2 (matches "en" from "raven")
  • suffixScore = 3 (matches "gin" from "ginkgo")
  • textScore = prefixScore + suffixScore = 2 + 3 = 5
  • The substring of text with the highest textScore is "engin".

Additional Example:


  • text = "banana"
  • prefixString = "bana"
  • suffixString = "nana"


  • prefixScore = 4 (matches "bana")
  • suffixScore = 4 (matches "nana")
  • textScore = 4 + 4 = 8
  • The substring of text with the highest textScore is "banana".


  • If prefixString and suffixString overlap, return only the substring of text, not prefixString + suffixString.

Function Description:

Function Name: calculateScore


  1. text (str): The text to compare.
  2. prefixString (str): The prefix to match.
  3. suffixString (str): The suffix to match.


  • The longest substring of text that begins with an ending substring of prefixString and ends with a beginning substring of suffixString.


  1. 1≤∣text∣,∣prefixString∣,∣suffixString∣≤501 \leq |text|, |prefixString|, |suffixString| \leq 50
  2. It is guaranteed that there is a substring of text that matches at least one of the following:
    • One or more characters at the end of prefixString.
    • One or more characters at the beginning of suffixString.
  3. Strings contain only lowercase English alphabetic letters (a-z).


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