1. Question 1
Given an array of numbers, find the index of the smallest array element (the pivot), for which the sums of all elements to the left and to the right are equal. The array may not be reordered.
arr = [1,2,3,4,6]
- The sum of the first three elements, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. The value of the last element is 6.
- Using zero-based indexing, arr[3] = 4 is the pivot between the two subarrays.
- The index of the pivot is 3.
Function Description
Complete the function balancedSum in the editor below.
balancedSum has the following parameter(s):
int arr[n]: an array of integers
int: an integer representing the index of the pivot
2. Question 2
Given a string array that contains n elements, each composed of lowercase English letters, and q queries, each query of the format l-r, for each query, determine how many strings starting from index l and ending at index r have vowels as the first and last character. Vowels are in {a, e, i, o, u}.
strArr = ['aba', 'bcb', 'ece', 'aa', 'e']
queries = ['1-3', '2-5', '2-2']
These strings represent two dash delimited integers l and r, the start and end indices of the interval, inclusive. Using 1-based indexing in the string array, the interval 1-3 contains two strings that start and end with a vowel: 'aba' and 'ece'. The interval 2-5 also has three. The third interval, from 2-2, the only element in the interval, 'bcb' does not begin and end with a vowel. The return array for the queries is [2, 3, 0].
Function Description
Complete the hasVowels function in the editor below. It must return an array of integers that...
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