Google Interview Question: Integer to 1 Problem and Word Predictor Problem – 谷歌面试题 – interview proxy – 代面试

Interview Process Breakdown

Problem 1: Integer to 1 Problem

Clarification Stage

The interviewer starts by explaining the problem:
“Given an integer n, you are allowed two operations: divide the integer by 2 if it's divisible by 2, or add 1 to the integer. Your goal is to determine the smallest number of operations needed to reduce n to 1.”

The candidate asks for clarification on the input:
"Can I assume the input integer is always positive?"

The interviewer confirms:
"Yes, the input is always a positive integer."

The candidate follows up:
"If the integer is divisible by 2, should I prioritize dividing by 2 over incrementing it by 1, or is it up to me?"

The interviewer responds:
"That’s up to you to decide. You can approach it in a way that minimizes the number of operations."

Discussion of Solution Strategy

The candidate outlines their approach:
"I’m thinking of using a recursive approach where I recursively try both operations. I’ll divide by 2 if it’s even or increment by 1. Then I’ll pick the option that leads to fewer operations."

The interviewer asks:
"What happens if the recursion leads to a cycle, for example, if you end up at the same value more than once?"

The candidate realizes the potential issue:
"Good point. I’ll keep track of visited numbers to avoid cycles, because revisiting the same number will only lead to an infinite loop."

The interviewer agrees:
"That sounds reasonable. Can you walk through an example with a number like 5?"

Follow-Up Questions and Example Walkthrough

The candidate explains with an example:
*"Sure, if I start with 5:

  • First, I’ll increment 5 by 1 to make it 6, because dividing by 2 is not possible.
  • Then I divide 6 by 2, making it 3.
  • Next, I increment 3 to 4.
  • Divide 4 by 2 to get 2, and finally divide 2 by 2 to get 1. So, the total number of operations is 5."*

The interviewer responds:
"Looks good. What’s the time and space complexity of this approach?"

Time and Space Complexity Explanation

The candidate breaks it down:
"For the recursive version, the time complexity will depend on how many times I can divide n by 2 before reaching 1, which is approximately O(log n). As for space complexity, if I’m using recursion and tracking visited numbers, it’s O(n) for the recursive call stack and the set of visited numbers. But, if I switch to an iterative, greedy approach, I can reduce the space complexity to O(1)."

The interviewer acknowledges the explanation and asks the candidate to implement the greedy approach.

Problem 2: Word Predictor Problem

Clarification Stage

The interviewer introduces the second problem:
“Now for the second problem, you need to build a word predictor based on a bigram frequency model. Given some training data, your job is to predict the next most likely word based on the input.”

The candidate confirms their understanding:
"So the input will be a word, and I need to return the most likely next word based on the training data, right?"

The interviewer responds:
"Correct. And the prediction should be optimized for fast response times, so you might want to use a frequency-based heuristic."

Solution Strategy Discussion

The candidate explains their approach:
"I’m thinking of building a model where I count the occurrences of each word pair (bigram) in the training data. Then, for a given input word, I’ll return the most frequent word that follows it in the data. Does that sound reasonable?"

The interviewer asks:
"What if the input word doesn’t exist in the training data?"

The candidate suggests a fallback mechanism:
"If a word doesn’t appear in the training data or doesn’t have a successor, I’ll return a default value, maybe an empty string or a placeholder like None."

The interviewer asks:
"What if two words have the same frequency? How would you handle that?"

Handling Tie Scenarios

The candidate responds:
"If there’s a tie, I’ll break the tie by returning the word that appears first in the training data. This way, the model remains deterministic."

The interviewer says:
"That’s a fair approach. Let’s test it with an example. Here’s some training data: ['I', 'am', 'Sam'], ['Sam', 'I', 'am'], and ['I', 'like', 'green', 'eggs', 'and', 'ham']. Now, if I input the word Sam, what would you predict?"

The candidate responds:
"Based on the data, Sam is followed by I, so I would predict I."

The interviewer follows up:
"Correct. Now, what if I input like?"

The candidate answers:
"Like is followed by green, so the prediction should be green."

The interviewer concludes:
"Yes. What’s the time complexity of this solution?"

Time Complexity Explanation

The candidate provides a complexity analysis:
"The time complexity for building the bigram frequency table is O(n), where n is the total number of words in the training data. For each prediction, the time complexity is O(1) because I’m just looking up the word in the frequency table."

The interviewer seems satisfied and moves on to behavioral questions.

Behavioral Questions (BQ)

Question 1: Handling Difficult Problems

The interviewer asks:
"Tell me about a time when you faced a particularly difficult technical problem. How did you handle it?"

The candidate responds:
"There was a project where we were integrating a third-party API, and the documentation was incomplete. After many failed attempts to get it working, I reached out to the support team and scoured forums. Eventually, I figured out that the issue was caused by a minor but critical version mismatch in one of the dependencies."

Question 2: Handling Pressure

The interviewer follows up:
"How did you handle the pressure of solving the problem under a deadline?"

The candidate shares their approach:
"I broke the problem down into smaller, manageable parts and kept communication open with the team. That helped alleviate some of the pressure because everyone knew I was working through it systematically."


This interview tested the candidate’s problem-solving abilities through two distinct algorithmic problems: optimizing operations to reduce an integer to 1 and predicting the next word using bigram frequency. The candidate successfully clarified the problems, communicated their solution strategies, and walked through examples while addressing potential edge cases. Additionally, the candidate effectively handled behavioral questions, showcasing their ability to manage technical challenges and pressure.


With the interview assistance provided by CSOAHelp, the candidate successfully achieved excellent results in this interview. If you are also looking for professional guidance and support during your interview process, feel free to contact us. We offer customized interview assistance services to help you confidently tackle interview challenges and succeed.

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