The TikTok interview consisted of three key parts: candidates showcased their background and strengths through self-introduction, demonstrated logical and technical skills by solving technical questions, and shared their relevant experience and insights during the project discussion.
Through CSOAHelp's assistance, the candidate excelled throughout the interview, providing clear and fluent answers to every question. In both technical questions and project discussions, CSOAHelp’s real-time guidance allowed the candidate to focus on showcasing their best abilities, ultimately earning high praise from the interviewer and demonstrating the value of CSOAHelp.
The candidate began with a simple self-introduction. They mentioned having three years of experience in software development, specializing in algorithm optimization and system architecture design, with extensive experience in project management and cross-team collaboration. CSOAHelp provided clear suggestions, such as using concise language to highlight these technical strengths and emphasizing interest in the position and team. Following these suggestions, the candidate delivered a clear and structured introduction, which quickly earned the interviewer’s recognition.
Next came the technical problem-solving phase, where the interviewer presented the following question:
Problem 1:
The ocean is to the right of the buildings. A building has an ocean view if the building can see the ocean without obstructions. Formally, a building has an ocean view if all the buildings to its right have a smaller height.
Return a list of indices (0-indexed) of buildings that have an ocean view, sorted in increasing order.
Example 1:
Input: heights = [4,2,3,1]
Output: [0,2,3]
Example 2:
Input: heights = [4,3,2,1]
Output: [0,1,2,3]
Example 3:
Input: heights = [1,3,2,4]
Output: [3]
During the coding process, CSOAHelp provided continuous detailed guidance, including suggestions for variable naming and logical implementation. For instance, CSOAHelp reminded the candidate to consider edge cases and recommended validating the results with test cases. Below is a portion of the code snippet provided by CSOAHelp:
def solution(heights):
n = len(heights) # Get the length
res = [] # Record the results
maxHeight = 0 # Track the highest building on the right
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1): # Iterate from n-1 to 0
if heights[i] > maxHeight: # If the current building is taller than the max height
maxHeight = heights[i] # Update the maximum height
res.append(i) # Add the current building to the result
res.reverse() # Reverse the result
return res
Throughout the process, the candidate followed CSOAHelp's step-by-step instructions for explanation and code implementation. They appeared confident and composed. The interviewer highly praised the candidate’s problem-solving ability, particularly their algorithm optimization and clarity of expression.
The candidate completed the problem-solving process in a short time, all thanks to CSOAHelp’s real-time support. During the interview, CSOAHelp provided detailed backstage guidance, and the candidate simply needed to repeat the suggestions.
When the interviewer posed the problem, CSOAHelp first provided an overall solution idea: “Traverse the buildings from right to left, record the maximum height on the right, and track all buildings that can see the ocean.” The candidate repeated this idea and began addressing the problem. Subsequently, CSOAHelp provided precise guidance for each step, such as how to perform the traversal, update the maximum height, and reverse the output. When analyzing time complexity, CSOAHelp reminded: “Using a sorting method would lead to a time complexity of O(nlogn). Instead, we can optimize it to O(n) by using reverse traversal and res.reverse()
The candidate followed CSOAHelp’s guidance step by step and elaborated accordingly. During the implementation, CSOAHelp provided detailed guidance on structuring the code, such as proper variable naming, handling edge cases, and validating the correctness of the code. For example, when writing the for-loop, CSOAHelp suggested explaining the functionality of each line of code. After completing the implementation, the candidate validated the output to ensure it met expectations. Through real-time suggestions, the candidate demonstrated a clear and systematic approach and efficiently solved the problem, leaving a strong impression on the interviewer.
The entire process required no independent problem-solving from the candidate. They simply followed CSOAHelp's prompts to complete the explanation and implementation confidently. The interviewer was particularly impressed by the candidate’s ability to optimize algorithms and articulate solutions clearly.
The interviewer then presented a more challenging problem:
Problem 2:
You are given an array nums consisting of positive integers.
You can perform the following operation on the array any number of times:
- Choose any two adjacent elements and replace them with their sum.
Return the minimum number of operations needed to turn the array into a palindrome.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [4,3,2,1,2,3,1]
Output: 2
Example 2:
Input: nums = [1,2,3,4]
Output: 3
The difficulty of this problem lies in minimizing the number of operations required to turn the array into a palindrome.
At the start of the problem, CSOAHelp provided clear instructions: “We will use a two-pointer method to solve the problem by moving pointers from both ends toward the center.” The advantage of the two-pointer method is that it processes data from both ends in one pass, significantly reducing time complexity. When the left and right elements are equal, both pointers move inward. If the left side is smaller, the left pointer’s value is merged with its adjacent value, and the pointer moves. If the right side is smaller, a similar operation is performed on the right side. The candidate repeated this logic and began solving the problem.
During implementation, CSOAHelp provided step-by-step guidance, including building the code framework, suggesting variable names, and handling special edge cases. For example, when implementing the two-pointer logic, CSOAHelp reminded: “Ensure that after each merge operation, the pointers are updated correctly, and the operation count is recorded so it can be returned at the end.”
The candidate followed these instructions to complete the code and validated its correctness through real-time testing. Throughout the process, the candidate simply repeated and executed CSOAHelp’s instructions, demonstrating a clear and rigorous approach to solving the problem. The interviewer highly commended their problem-solving ability and smooth explanation.
def solution(nums):
left, right = 0, len(nums) - 1
cnt = 0 # Record operation count
while left < right:
if nums[left] == nums[right]:
left += 1
right -= 1
elif nums[left] < nums[right]: # If the left pointer is smaller
nums[left + 1] += nums[left] # Merge the left pointer with its neighbor
left += 1
cnt += 1
else: # If the right pointer is smaller
nums[right - 1] += nums[right] # Merge the right pointer with its neighbor
right -= 1
cnt += 1
return cnt # Return the operation count when both pointers meet
CSOAHelp also instructed the candidate on how to explain the time and space complexity of the code: “The two-pointer approach only traverses the array once, so the time complexity is O(n). The operations are performed in-place, resulting in a space complexity of O(1).” The candidate repeated this explanation with clarity and accuracy, earning high praise from the interviewer.
During the entire problem-solving process, CSOAHelp's real-time assistance ensured the candidate’s performance was consistently smooth and natural. By following detailed prompts, the candidate demonstrated strong problem-solving skills and clear communication abilities.
During the project discussion, the interviewer introduced the team’s main objective: developing a platform for TikTok store sellers to manage orders and parcels. This platform addresses core B2B business needs, such as order management, package tracking, and data analysis. As the interview began, CSOAHelp quickly analyzed the key points of the question and provided the candidate with a precise answer framework: start by summarizing the importance of the team project, then gradually elaborate based on personal experience.
When the interviewer asked questions, CSOAHelp prompted the candidate to respond: “This platform significantly reduces manual operations by automating order management and package tracking, which improves overall business efficiency.” The candidate supplemented this with specific optimization measures, such as introducing algorithmic optimization for route planning to reduce logistics costs and developing a real-time inventory update system to provide accurate stock levels for both sellers and buyers.
CSOAHelp also guided the candidate in emphasizing their role and specific contributions to similar projects, particularly in optimizing technical development and testing processes. For example, the candidate shared their experience: “In a previous project, I was responsible for designing a statistical analysis module for the order management system. By optimizing database queries and algorithm designs, I significantly improved query efficiency.”
Throughout the project discussion, CSOAHelp provided comprehensive backstage support. The candidate followed the prompts strictly, presenting themselves as confident and professional while showcasing strong technical skills and enthusiasm for teamwork. The interviewer was impressed by the candidate’s performance, which further strengthened the team’s confidence in future collaboration.
CSOAHelp: Your Interview Companion
No matter how challenging the questions in an interview may be, CSOAHelp ensures that candidates find the right solutions at critical moments. With real-time backstage guidance and tailored assistance, candidates can focus entirely on interacting with the interviewer without worrying about technical details or presentation issues.
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