[Amazon]Sum of All Days Numbers on Which the Data of the Xth Will Be Dependent-Amazon -OA ghost writing -OA help

Definition of Regex:

  1. Components:
    A regex consists of either "[", "]", or uppercase English letters.
  2. Matching Rules:
    • A string of characters enclosed in [ and ] matches any one of those characters.
    • The string of characters enclosed within [ and ] has no repetition.

Problem Description:

You are given three strings: x, y, and z, each of length n. Your task is to:

  1. Find the longest regex with the smallest lexicographical order that matches both x and y.
  2. Ensure that the regex does not match string z.
  3. If no such regex exists, output -1.


Example 1:

  • Input:
    x = "AB", y = "BD", z = "CD"
  • Answer:

Example 2:

  • Input:
    x = "ABCD", y = "CODE", z = "CODE"
  • Answer:

Data analysts at Amazon are analyzing time series data. It was concluded that the data of the nth item was dependent on the data of the some xth day if there is a positive integer k such that the floor (n/k) = x where floor(z) represents the largest integer less than or equal to z.

Given n, find the sum of all the days numbers on which the data of the xth (0 ≤ x ≤ n) will be dependent.

Function Description

Complete the function sumOfAllDaysNumbers in the editor.

sumOfAllDaysNumbers has the following parameter:

  1. int n: the nth item


int: the sum of all the days numbers on which the data of the xth will be dependent

Example 1:

Input:  n = 5
Output: 8
Explanation: For n = 5, the days on which the data of the xth will be dependent are calculated as follows: x k floor(n/k)
0 6 0
1 5 1
2 2 2
3 does not exist -
4 does not exist -
5 1 5
The sum of all days numbers is 0 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 8.


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