Citadel Summer intern SDE OA 2025 – OA代写 – 面试代面 – 面试辅助 – VO support

Citadel Summer intern 的 OA 限时66分钟有2道算法题,2025年的NG们抓紧这次实习机会,一起来看看真题吧。

Citadel Summer Intern Online Assessment includes 2 algorithm questions with a time limit of 66 minutes. For 2025 New Grads, don’t miss this internship opportunity. Let’s take a look at the actual questions!

Question 2


In an organization, there are n servers, each with a capacity of capacity[i]. A contiguous subsegment [l, r] of servers is said to be stable if:

capacity[l] = capacity[r] = sum[i+1, r-1]

In other words, the capacity of the servers at the endpoints of the segment should be equal to the sum of the capacities of all the interior servers.

Find the number of stable subsegments of length 3 or more.


n = 5, capacity = [9, 3, 3, 3, 9]


SegmentFirst & Last CapacityInterior Capacity SumBalanced
[9, 3, 3]96No
[3, 3, 3]33Yes
[3, 3, 9]36No
[9, 3, 3, 3]99Yes
[3, 3, 3, 9]39No
[9, 3, 3, 3, 9]99Yes


There are 2 stable subsegments: [3, 3, 3] and [9, 3, 3, 3, 9]. Return 2.

Function Description:
Complete the function countStableSegments with the following parameter:

  • int capacity[n]: the capacities of each server.


  • An integer, the number of stable subsegments

Question 3

Implement a prototype of a friend recommendation system for a social media application.

There are n users indexed from 0 to n-1, and m friends represented as a 2D array, friendships, where the i-th friendship is a connection between users friendships[i][0] and friendships[i][1].

User x is suggested as a friend to user y if:

  1. x and y are not friends.
  2. x and y have the maximum number of common friends (i.e., a friend of both x and y).
  3. If there are multiple possible users x, the one with the minimum index is suggested.
  4. If no recommendation is available, report -1.


n = 5, m = 5
connections = [[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3], [3, 4]]

Graph representation:

/ \
1 2
\ /


[-1, 0, 0, 0, 3]


  • User 0 has no recommendation, output -1.
  • User 1 is recommended to befriend user 0 (maximum common friends).
  • User 2 is also recommended to befriend user 0.
  • User 3 is recommended to befriend user 0.
  • User 4 is recommended to befriend user 3.

Function Description:
Complete the function friendRecommendation with the following parameters:

  • int n: the number of users.
  • int friendships[m][2]: the friendships between users.


  • An integer array, where each element represents the recommended friend for each user.


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