CS-OA cs-vo Faang

Welcome to [TikTok] AMS Grad Assessment 2025 Start-7-11 Sep(Generic) – OA writing – OA 代写 – 一亩三分地 – tiktok OA

本次Tiktok OA笔试题仍然是由5个选择题和2个算法题构成,本文将披露其中的第二题和第六题,让我们一起来看看吧。

This Tiktok OA written test still consists of 5 multiple-choice questions and 2 algorithm questions. This article will disclose the second and sixth questions, let's take a look together.

2. TikTok Notification Priority

TikTok uses a max-heap to manage notification priorities. Write a pseudo-code to remove the highest priority notification from the max-heap.

Pick ONE option:

  1. If heap is not empty
    return heap.extractMax()
    return "Heap is empty"
  2. If heap is empty
    return heap.extractMax()
    return "Heap is empty"
  3. If heap is not empty
    return heap.peek()
    return "Heap is empty"
  4. If heap is empty
    return heap.peek()
    return "Heap is empty"

6. ViralContentBalancer

The TikTok engineering team is developing a new feature for analyzing viral trends by studying content sequences represented by a string content of length n, consisting of lowercase alphabets. The team has discovered that to make a video go viral, each element (character) in the content sequence should have an equal frequency.

In one operation, a character can be appended or removed from the content string. Your task is to find the minimum number of operations required to balance the frequency of all characters in the content sequence.

content = "xzyzxa"
For the content "xzyzxa", the characters 'z' and 'x' have higher frequencies than others. To balance the frequency of all characters, one possible solution is to append one 'a' and one 'y', resulting in content = "xzyzxaya". Alternatively, removing one 'x' and one 'z' would also achieve a balanced distribution, with the new content sequence content = "xyza". Both approaches result in a valid balanced content sequence, and the minimum number of operations required is 2.

Function Description
Complete the function balanceContent in the editor below.
balanceContent has the following parameter:

  • string content: the original content sequence.


  • int: the minimum number of operations to balance the content sequence.

7. TikTok Credits Distribution Challenge

In the grand finale of a prestigious TikTok tournament, the organizers have prepared several boxes filled with TikTok credits as prizes for the participants. They know exactly how many participants will compete in the tournament and want to ensure that every participant receives an equal number of TikTok credits to avoid any disappointment.


It is worth noting that the seventh question, after being evaluated by our expert team, was caused by some mistakes made by the questioner, which resulted in the failure to pass the test case. We don't know how Tiktok will handle this, but students who have the opportunity for OA must not miss any chance and must complete this OA

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