The latest TikTok online assessment remains consistent with 110 points across 7 questions. The questions are identical for all positions and regions, with a moderate difficulty level. Well-prepared candidates should find it manageable and an opportunity to showcase their technical skills.
1. TikTok Content Ranking
function mergeSort(arr):
if length(arr) <= 1:
return arr
mid = length(arr) / 2
left = mergeSort(arr[0...mid])
right = mergeSort(arr[mid+1...length(arr)])
return merge(left, right)

What is the purpose of the given pseudo code?
Pick ONE option:
- Sorting the array in ascending order using merge sort
- Finding the median of the array
- Checking if the array is a palindrome
- Reversing the elements of the array
2. TikTok Friend Suggestions
function suggestFriends(users, friendships):
friendMap = createMap(friendships)
friendSuggestions = []
for user in users:
friends = friendMap[user]
for friend in friends:
mutualFriends = friendMap[friend]
for mutualFriend in mutualFriends:
if mutualFriend != user and mutualFriend not in friends:
return friendSuggestions

What is the primary purpose of the given pseudo code?
Pick ONE option:
- Finding mutual friends between users
- Generating suggestions for new friends based on mutual connections
- Creating a social network graph
- Deleting user accounts from a database
3. Scheduling in a High-Throughput Server
TikTok operates a high-throughput server that handles numerous concurrent requests. It is essential to ensure efficient CPU utilization and minimal response time. Which CPU scheduling algorithm would be most suitable for this server?
Pick ONE option:
- First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
- Round Robin (RR)
- Shortest Job Next (SJN)
- Multilevel Queue Scheduling
4. Virtual Memory Management in a Resource-Intensive Application
Your application at TikTok processes large datasets that exceed the physical memory available on the system. Efficient virtual memory management is crucial to maintain performance. Which virtual memory management strategy would best handle this situation?
Pick ONE option:
- Single-level paging
- Multi-level paging
- Inverted page table
- Segmentation with paging
5. TikTok Video Playlist
In TikTok, video playlists are implemented as a singly linked list where each node represents a video. Write a pseudo-code to insert a new video at the end of the playlist.
Pick ONE option:
current = head while current.next != null: current = current.next current.next = newNode newNode.next = null
current = head while current.next != null: current = current.next current.next = newNode
newNode.next = head head = newNode
current = head while current.next != null: current = current.next newNode.next = current

6. Maximize Efficiency with TikTok
In a futuristic TikTok research facility, engineers have discovered a mysterious algorithmic manuscript within the app that promises to revolutionize content creation and engagement for creators worldwide. This manuscript contains a sequence of numbers, represented as an array named efficiencyScores, which includes the efficiency scores of various TikTok tasks. These tasks can be highly efficient, neutral, or even counterproductive. The number of tasks is denoted by n. The manuscript has become the focal point of intense research, as it is believed to hold the key to unlocking unprecedented levels of audience engagement.
Your mission is to assist the engineers in their quest. According to the manuscript, by selecting exactly five tasks in a specific combination that maximizes the overall efficiency, the secret formula for viral content will be revealed.
Your goal is to identify this combination of five tasks that results in the highest possible product, thereby unlocking the potential hidden within the manuscript and advancing content creation science.
maximum_product = max(efficiencyScores[i1] * efficiencyScores[i2] * efficiencyScores[i3] * efficiencyScores[i4] * efficiencyScores[i5])
- Input:
efficiencyScores = [6, 1, 2, 8, 1]
- Output:
- Explanation: There are only 5 numbers in the array, we select all of them, and the product is 96.

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