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[TikTok] Intern Assessment 2025 Start – 24 – 28 – tiktok 25 summer intern oa – 一亩三分地 – 面试代面 – OA代写


The latest TikTok online assessment remains consistent with 110 points across 7 questions. The questions are identical for all positions and regions, with a moderate difficulty level. Well-prepared candidates should find it manageable and an opportunity to showcase their technical skills.

1. Deadlock Prevention in Concurrent Systems

Your team at TikTok is developing a concurrent system where multiple processes need to access shared resources. Preventing deadlock is critical to ensure smooth operation.
Which strategy would be most effective for deadlock prevention?

Pick ONE option:

  • Circular wait prevention
  • Mutual exclusion enforcement
  • Hold and wait avoidance
  • Resource allocation graph

2. Disk Scheduling for Video Streaming Application

Your video streaming application requires efficient disk access to read video files with minimal delay. The disk scheduling algorithm should optimize for high throughput and low latency.
Which disk scheduling algorithm would be most suitable for this application?

Pick ONE option:

  • First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
  • Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF)
  • Elevator (SCAN)
  • Circular SCAN (C-SCAN)

3. TikTok File System

TikTok uses a Trie to store the directory structure of its file system. Write a pseudo-code to insert a new file path filePath into the Trie.

Pick ONE option:

  1. current = root for each char in filePath if current.children[char] == null current.children[char] = newNode() current = current.children[char] current.isEnd = true
  2. current = root for each char in filePath if current.children[char] != null current.children[char] = newNode() current = current.children[char] current.isEnd = true
  3. current = root for each char in filePath if current.children[char] == null current.children[char] = newNode() current = current.children[char] current.isEnd = false
  4. current = root for each char in filePath if current.children[char] != null current.children[char] = newNode() current = current.children[char] current.isEnd = false

5. Inter-Process Communication in a Distributed System

Your distributed application at TikTok requires efficient inter-process communication (IPC) to coordinate tasks across different nodes. Which IPC mechanism would provide the best performance and scalability for this distributed system?

Pick ONE option:

  • Shared memory
  • Message passing
  • Remote procedure calls (RPC)
  • Sockets

6. TikTok AI Model Performance Boost

The TikTok team is working on enhancing an AI model that curates personalized content feeds. A performance metric called initialEngagementScore is defined to measure how well the AI is currently performing. The team aims to improve this score to a targetEngagementScore.

There are N data sets available for training, represented by trainingEngagementScore, where trainingEngagementScore[i] denotes the potential improvement from the i-th data set.

The AI model can only be trained on a data set if its current engagement score is greater than or equal to the score of the data set. Training on the AI on the i-th data set increases its score by trainingEngagementScore[i]. Moreover, the AI model can be trained on each data set only once. On any day, the team can do either of the following:

  1. Train the AI model on any data set.
  2. Manually increase the engagement score of the AI by the number of days since training started.

Your task is to find the minimum number of days required for the AI model to reach the targetEngagementScore.

initialScore = 0
targetScore = 30
trainingScore = [15, 3, 2]
Output: 6


  • On the first 2 days, the score of the AI is increased by 1 and 2 respectively. Score = 0 + 1 + 2 = 3.
  • Then, the AI can be trained on the 2nd data set. Score = 3 + 3 = 6.
  • On the 4th and 5th day, the score of the AI is increased by 4 and 5 respectively. Score = 6 + 4 + 5 = 15.
  • On the 6th day, the AI is trained on the 1st data set. Score = 15 + 15 = 30.

The AI model reaches the target score on the 6th day. Hence, the minimum number of required days = 6.

Contact me for free access to the main text of question 7


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