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亚马逊面试OOD真题:Pizza 价格计算器——技术解析 – Amazon Interview OOD Question: Pizza Price Calculator – A Technical Insight -面试代面 – 面试辅助- VO support


In a recent Amazon interview, candidates were asked to implement a program that calculates the price of a pizza based on several factors. This question is a great example of how object-oriented design principles are applied to solve practical problems. Let's dive into the problem and explore how to structure a solution.

题目描述 (Problem Statement):

Write a program that allows the user to calculate the price of a pizza. A pizza has:

  • a base
  • a size
  • toppings

Assume the system stores everything in-memory, no storage required.


  • Base:例如薄底、厚底、无麸质底等;
  • Size:例如小号、中号、大号;
  • Toppings:例如奶酪、意大利香肠、蘑菇、洋葱、橄榄等。


Problem Statement:

You are required to write a program that allows the user to calculate the price of a pizza. Each pizza has the following customizable components:

  • Base: For example, thin crust, thick crust, gluten-free, etc.
  • Size: For example, small, medium, large.
  • Toppings: For example, cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, olives, etc.

The program will need to store all these components in-memory and does not require persistent storage.

澄清问题 (Clarifications):


  • Size Categories:尺寸有具体分类吗?比如小号、中号、大号?我能假设不同尺寸有不同的价格系数吗?例如小号是基础价格的0.8倍,中号是1.5倍,大号是2倍?
  • Base Options:披萨底有不同的选项吗?例如薄底、厚底、无麸质底?
  • Topping Choices:配料包含哪些选项?是否包括奶酪、意大利香肠、蘑菇等标准配料?每个配料是否有固定价格?


  1. 尺寸会按价格系数计算:
    • 小号 = 基础价格的0.8倍,
    • 中号 = 基础价格的1.5倍,
    • 大号 = 基础价格的2倍。
  2. 披萨底选项价格固定:
    • 薄底 = $5,
    • 厚底 = $7,
    • 无麸质底 = $6。
  3. 每种配料有预设的固定价格:
    • 奶酪 = $2,
    • 意大利香肠 = $3,
    • 蘑菇 = $1.5,
    • 洋葱 = $1,
    • 橄榄 = $1.2。


Before jumping into the coding, some questions need to be clarified:

  • Size Categories: What are the specific sizes, and how are their prices scaled? Can we assume small, medium, and large, with price factors like small = 0.8x, medium = 1.5x, and large = 2x the base price?
  • Base Options: Will there be different options for the base, such as thin crust, thick crust, or gluten-free?
  • Topping Choices: Will the toppings include options like cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, and other standard choices? Additionally, will each topping have a fixed cost?

After receiving confirmation from the interviewer, the assumptions were set as follows:

  1. The sizes will follow a price factor, where:
    • Small = 0.8x the base price,
    • Medium = 1.5x the base price,
    • Large = 2x the base price.
  2. The base options will have fixed prices:
    • Thin Crust = $5,
    • Thick Crust = $7,
    • Gluten-Free = $6.
  3. Each topping will have a predefined cost:
    • Cheese = $2,
    • Pepperoni = $3,
    • Mushrooms = $1.5,
    • Onions = $1,
    • Olives = $1.2.

解决方案设计 (Solution Design):


  1. 枚举类:这些类表示披萨的底、尺寸和配料的不同选项,每个选项都有其关联的成本或价格系数。
  2. Pizza 类:该类表示披萨本身,保存有关底、尺寸和配料的信息。它还包括计算披萨总价的方法。
  3. 计算逻辑:通过将披萨底的成本和所有配料的成本相加,然后乘以尺寸的价格系数,计算披萨的总价格。

Solution Design:

To structure the solution, we can use object-oriented programming (OOP) with enumerations representing different pizza components (Base, Size, Topping). Here's how we can break down the solution:

  1. Enumeration Classes: These classes represent the different possible values for the pizza's base, size, and toppings, each with their associated costs or price factors.
  2. Pizza Class: This class will represent the pizza itself, holding information about its base, size, and toppings. It will also include methods to calculate the total price based on the selected options.
  3. Calculation Logic: The total cost of the pizza is calculated by adding the base cost and the cost of all selected toppings, then multiplying by the size's price factor.

算法思路 (Algorithm Outline):


  1. 设置枚举类:表示披萨底、尺寸和配料及其各自的成本。
  2. 创建 Pizza 类:用于存储披萨的底和尺寸,并能动态添加配料。
  3. 实现价格计算:通过将底价和配料的总价相加,然后应用尺寸乘数来计算总价。
  4. 处理用户输入:模拟披萨的定制(这一步可以根据命令行环境或图形用户界面进行调整)。

Algorithm Outline:

The solution will follow these steps:

  1. Set up enumerations for the pizza base, size, and toppings with their respective costs.
  2. Create a Pizza class that can store the base and size of the pizza and add toppings dynamically.
  3. Implement price calculation by summing up the base cost and the cost of the toppings, then applying the size multiplier.
  4. Handle user input to simulate the customization of the pizza (this step can be adapted depending on whether you are in a command-line environment or using a GUI).

示例讲解 (Example Walkthrough):


  • :薄底 = $5
  • 尺寸:大号 = 价格系数2倍
  • 配料
    • 奶酪 = $2
    • 意大利香肠 = $3
    • 蘑菇 = $1.5


  • 配料总价 = $2 + $3 + $1.5 = $6.5
  • 底价 = $5
  • 总价(尺寸乘数前) = $5 + $6.5 = $11.5
  • 最终价格(大号尺寸乘数) = $11.5 * 2 = $23

因此,这个披萨的价格为 $23

Example Walkthrough:

Let's walk through a scenario where a user wants to calculate the price of a large pizza with a thin crust and toppings of cheese, pepperoni, and mushrooms.

  • Base: Thin Crust = $5
  • Size: Large = 2x price factor
  • Toppings:
    • Cheese = $2
    • Pepperoni = $3
    • Mushrooms = $1.5

The price calculation would work as follows:

  • Total Topping Cost = $2 + $3 + $1.5 = $6.5
  • Base Cost = $5
  • Total Before Size Factor = $5 + $6.5 = $11.5
  • Final Price (with Large Size Factor) = $11.5 * 2 = $23

Thus, the price of the pizza is $23.

总结 (Summary):



This problem emphasizes the importance of OOP design and modular thinking when solving real-world tasks like customizing a pizza order. By breaking down the task into smaller components like base, size, and toppings, and applying price factors accordingly, the problem becomes straightforward to solve.

In the interview, the candidates demonstrated the ability to clarify assumptions, handle dynamic inputs, and effectively utilize object-oriented principles, which are essential skills in software engineering.

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