Java 面试经验分享
- 用户之间的连接列表,表示为用户ID的配对。
- 用户的互动列表,包括点赞、评论和分享。
- 整数K,表示要识别的顶级影响者的数量。

- 覆盖分数:通过连接可以从用户达到的用户数。
- 互动分数:所有入边的权重之和。
Problem Statement
A social media company wants to identify the top influencers on its platform. The company defines an influencer as a user who has a high reach and a significant number of meaningful interactions. To find the top influencers, you need to design an algorithm to compute the "influence score" of each user based on their connections and interactions.
You are given three inputs:
- A list of users' connections (friends), represented as pairs of user IDs.
- A list of users' interactions, which includes likes, comments, and shares.
- An integer K, representing the number of top influencers to be identified.
Write a function that returns the top K influencers based on their influence score. The influence score should be calculated using the following formula:
Influence Score=Reach Score×Interaction Score\text{Influence Score} = \text{Reach Score} \times \text{Interaction Score}Influence Score=Reach Score×Interaction Score
- Reach Score: The number of users that can be reached from the user through connections.
- Interaction Score: The sum of weights of all incoming edges.
(1 <= k <= 1000): An integer representing the number of top influencers to identify.connections
: A list of tuples, where each tuple(user_id1, user_id2)
represents a connection (directed) between two users.interactions
: A list of tuples, where each tuple(user_id1, user_id2, weight)
represents an interaction (directed) between two users. Weight can be positive (like, share, comment) or negative (dislike). (-1000 <= weight <= 1000)
- A list of integers representing the top K influencers sorted in decreasing order of influence score.
Example 1
In this example, we have the following Reach and Interaction Scores:
- User 1: Reach Score = 5 (can reach users 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Interaction Score = 15 (7 from user 4, 8 from user 5)
- User 2: Reach Score = 4 (can reach users 3, 4, 5, 6), Interaction Score = 5 (5 from user 1)
- User 3: Reach Score = 2 (can reach users 4, 5), Interaction Score = 12 (10 from user 2, 2 from user 6)
- User 4: Reach Score = 1 (can reach users 5), Interaction Score = 5 (5 from user 3)
- User 5: Reach Score = 0 (can reach no users), Interaction Score = 3 (3 from user 4)
- User 6: Reach Score = 3 (can reach users 3, 4, 5), Interaction Score = 6 (6 from user 2)
Now, we compute the Influence Scores:
- User 1: Influence Score = 5 * 15 = 75
- User 2: Influence Score = 4 * 5 = 20
- User 3: Influence Score = 2 * 12 = 24
- User 4: Influence Score = 1 * 5 = 5
- User 5: Influence Score = 0 * 3 = 0
- User 6: Influence Score = 3 * 6 = 18
Thus, the top 3 influencers are users 1, 3, and 2, with influence scores of 75, 24, and 20, respectively.
Example 2
k = 1
connections = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1)]
interactions = [(1, 2, 5), (2, 3, 4), (3, 1, 3)]
In this example, we have the following Reach and Interaction Scores:
- User 1: Reach Score = 2 (can reach users 2, 3), Interaction Score = 3 (3 from user 3)
- User 2: Reach Score = 2 (can reach users 1, 3), Interaction Score = 5 (5 from user 1)
- User 3: Reach Score = 2 (can reach users 1, 2), Interaction Score = 4 (4 from user 2)
Now, we compute the Influence Scores:
- User 1: Influence Score = 2 * 3 = 6
- User 2: Influence Score = 2 * 5 = 10
- User 3: Influence Score = 2 * 4 = 8
- 影响者类:
- 问:我们需要写一个类来表示影响者吗?
- 答:可以假设已经存在一个包含覆盖分数和互动分数字段的Influencer类。
- 用户表示:
- 问:我们可以假设用户用整数表示吗?
- 答:可以。
- 连接的方向性:
- 问:确认这是有向图吗?
- 答:是的。
- 遍历每个影响者,计算其影响分数。
- 如果堆的大小小于K,则将影响者添加到堆中。
- 如果堆的大小已经等于K,则比较新的影响者与当前堆中影响分数最低的影响者,如果新影响者的分数更高,则更新堆。
- 最后从堆中移除K次最小值,并反转输出顺序,得到结果。