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2024 MCC OA – 千禧年OA – Millennium Challenge Corporation OA – OA代写 – 面试代面

MCC 近期批量发放 OA中,题目难度适中,大概用时90分钟,我们一起来看看题目内容吧。

Array Reduction 1

There is an array of n integers called num. The array can be reduced by 1 element by performing a move. Each move consists of the following three steps:

  1. Pick two different elements num[i] and num[j], where i ≠ j.
  2. Remove the two selected elements from the array.
  3. Add the sum of the two selected elements to the end of the array.

Each move has a cost associated with it: the sum of the two elements removed from the array during the move. Calculate the minimum total cost of reducing the array to one element.


num = [4, 6, 8]
Remove 4 and 6 in the first move at a cost of 4 + 6 = 10, and the resultant array is num' = [8, 10].
Remove 8 and 10 in the second move at a cost of 8 + 10 = 18, and the resultant array is num" = [18].
The total cost of reducing this array to one element using this sequence of moves is 10 + 18 = 28.

Function Description

Complete the function reductionCost in the editor below.

reductionCost has the following parameter(s):

  • int num[]: an array of integers


  • int: the minimum total cost of reducing the input array to one element

Complete the function reductionCost in the editor below.

reductionCost has the following parameter(s):

  • int num[]: an array of integers


  • int: the minimum total cost of reducing the input array to one element

数组归约 1

有一个包含 n 个整数的数组 num。可以通过执行一次移动来将数组归约一个元素。每次移动包含以下三个步骤:

  1. 选择两个不同的元素 num[i] 和 num[j],其中 i ≠ j
  2. 从数组中移除这两个选定的元素。
  3. 将这两个选定元素的和添加到数组的末尾。



num = [4, 6, 8]
在第一次移动中,移除 4 和 6,成本为 4 + 6 = 10,结果数组为 num' = [8, 10]。
在第二次移动中,移除 8 和 10,成本为 8 + 10 = 18,结果数组为 num" = [18]。
使用这种移动序列将数组归约到一个元素所需的总成本为 10 + 18 = 28。


在以下编辑器中完成函数 reductionCost

reductionCost 的参数:

  • int num[]:一个整数数组


  • int:将输入数组归约到一个元素所需的最小总成本


为了有效地解决这个问题,我们可以使用贪心算法配合堆(例如最小堆)来跟踪数组中的最小元素。但是,使用动态规划(DP)或递归加记忆化的方法对于较小的 n 也是有效的。

2. Connected Groups

Relationships between people may be represented in a matrix as a series of binary digits. For example, the direct relationships for person 0 with persons 0 through 5 might be shown as 101100. This means that person 0 knows persons 0, 2, and 3, the indices of each of the 1 values.

A relationship is transitive. In other words, if person 0 knows person 2 and person 2 knows person 3, then person 0 knows person 3 through person 2. A group is composed of all the people who know one another, whether directly or transitively.


Consider the following relationships matrix:

  • Persons 0 and 1 are connected, while person 2 is not.
  • There are 2 groups.


Determine the number of groups represented in a matrix.


  • The method signatures may vary slightly depending on the requirements of the chosen language. For example, C language will have an argument that represents the number of rows and columns in the matrix. Also, Java will receive a list rather than an array.

Function Description

Complete the function countGroups in the editor below.

countGroups has the following parameter(s):

  • A matrix representing the relationships between people.

Return an integer representing the number of groups in the matrix.

2. 连通群组





  • 人员0和人员1是连通的,而人员2不是。
  • 总共有2个群组。




  • 方法签名可能会因所选语言的要求而略有不同。例如,C语言将有一个表示矩阵行数和列数的参数。而Java将接收一个列表而不是数组。




  • 一个表示人员之间关系的矩阵。


3. Build a Wall

Problem Statement

A brick is defined as a rectangle with a height of 1 and a width of either 2 units or 3 units. You are provided with an infinite supply of bricks. Each brick can have one of two possible widths: 2 units or 3 units. Your task is to build a wall of a specified width and height. The wall should be constructed in such a way that it consists of horizontal rows of bricks. However, the bricks must be arranged in a way that the right edge of a brick in one row does not align vertically with the right edge of a brick in the row directly above or below it. This is to ensure the stability of the wall.

Write a Python function that takes two arguments: the width and the height of the wall. The function should return the count of all possible ways to build the wall that meet the criteria.

For example, if the width is 5 and the height is 1, the function would compute that there are 2 possible ways to build the wall: (3,2) and (2,3), representing the two valid ways to arrange the bricks, and would return 2.

(23)  (23)

is not allowed, but

(23)  (32)

is valid.


If it is not possible to build the wall with the given width and height, the function should return zero.

3. 建造一堵墙







  • 如果无法用给定的宽度和高度建造墙,则函数应返回零。

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