CS-OA cs-vo Faang

Welcome to The Amazon CodingChallenge – interview proxying – interview coaching – assistance Online Assessments (OA) – 面试代面 – OA代写

As we gear up for the upcoming online assessments, let's dive into two recent Online Assessments (OA) from Amazon. These sample questions will help us understand the type of challenges we might face during the actual test. Preparing with real questions is a great way to sharpen our problem-solving skills and get ready for the main event. Let's explore the content of these tests and prepare thoroughly.

Code Question 1

New Year's Day is around the corner and Amazon is having a sale. They have a list of items they are considering but they may need to remove some of them. Determine the minimum number of items to remove from an array of prices so that the sum of prices of any k items does not exceed a threshold.

Note: If the number of items in the list is less than k, then there is no need to remove any more items.


  • prices = [3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 5]
  • k = 3
  • threshold = 14

The sum of prices for every k = 3 items must not be more than threshold = 14. The sum of the prices of the last three items is 6 + 5 + 4 = 15. The item priced $6 can be removed leaving:

  • prices = [3, 2, 1, 4, 5]

Now, no 3 items' prices sum to greater than 14. Only 1 item needs to be removed.

Function Description

Complete the function findKthMinimumVulnerability in the editor below. findKthMinimumVulnerability has the following parameters:

  • int k: the order of the vulnerability to find
  • int m: the number of servers in a group
  • int vulnerability[]: the vulnerabilities of each server


  • int[n - m + 1]: the k^th element represents the k^th minimum vulnerability among the vulnerabilities of all the servers in the m^th contiguous group.


  • 1 <= k <= m <= n <= 3 * 10^5
  • 1 <= vulnerability[i] <= 10^9

Input Format For Custom Testing:

3order of vulnerability k = 3
4servers in a group m = 4
number of servers n = 5

Sample Case 0:

  • Standard input and function parameters are shown for custom testing.

Code Question 2

Amazon Web Services has n servers where the j^th server's vulnerability score is vulnerability[j]. A client wants to deploy their application on a group of m contiguous servers. The vulnerability of a group is defined as the k^th minimum vulnerability among the chosen servers. Find the vulnerability of each possible group of m contiguous servers the client can choose.


  • k = 2
  • m = 3
  • vulnerability = [1, 3, 2, 1]

There are 2 contiguous groups of m = 3 servers: [1, 3, 2] and [3, 2, 1]. The k = 2^nd lowest vulnerability in each group is 2. Return the answers for each group, in order: [2, 2].

Function Description Complete the function findKthMinimumVulnerability in the editor below. findKthMinimumVulnerability has the following parameters:

  • int k: the order of the vulnerability to find
  • int m: the number of servers in a group
  • int vulnerability[n]: the vulnerabilities of each server


  • int[n - m + 1]: the j^th element represents the k^th minimum vulnerability among the vulnerabilities of all the servers in the j^th contiguous group.

We successfully tackled these two questions in just over ten minutes. If you require assistance with completing Online Assessments (OA), please do not hesitate to contact us. Additionally, we offer services such as interview proxying and interview coaching. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive support to ensure you excel in your career endeavors.


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