Brevan Howard是一家老牌宏观对冲基金. 最近几年开始收graduates和intern,想去macro fund的朋友可以去试试. 我把他们的brochure放在p1-2了. 面试流程比较简洁,一轮HR面和final3轮.

- students passed the exam
Given the IDs (unique for each student), names, and grades for each student in a class of students, please choose a basic data structure to store the results. The chosen data structure should allow constant-time access of student name and test score given a valid student ID. Write a function to:
(1) delete the records for the students who failed the exam (i.e., score < 60). This must be done in-place, i.e., no copies of the original data structure are allowed.
(2) return the test scores for the students whose ID is in "queries". If a student ID is not found or the student does not pass the exam, return a score of -1.

Final Round
Trade analyst
三个面试官里最年轻的也是最technical的,考察coding有关知识,除了单纯写代码外会更看重实际工作环境下怎么用代码. 聊的很杂也很按candidate过去经历来,候选人有聊到github,virtual environment,machine learning有关的东西因为我学校的project是ML有关
问了跟option有关的东西,因为Brevan Howard做option比较多,所以这方面会更看重些. 不过对pre knowledge要求不多,会现场教一些option pricing/greeks有关的东西考察candidate的学习能力,所以我感觉这场面试像上了一堂课哈哈
问了些简单的brainteasers和数学问题(我是学数学的), 然后聊了聊market news以及我对一些事件的看法.
面完final之后几天就给了verbal offer但到现在也没有给contract,感觉这方面挺不靠谱,但听在那边工作的朋友说hours很好,culture也不错,总体还是推荐去面面的!这家公司也有一个针对对冲基金的。
如果你也对Brevan Howard感兴趣,欢迎联系我们。查看我们的服务价格,代面试,面试辅助,简历编写和算法私教等等,应有尽有。