CS-OA cs-vo Faang

Meta VO record – meta 面经 – meta面试真题



There is a array of trips intervals, non-sorted, represented as a 2D integer array, each trip intervals within that array are 1D 2-element arrays consisting start time as first element, and end time as second element and has the following criteria:

  • Entire trip interval array can be empty
  • Bounds for number of trip intervals: 0 <= N <= 2^31
  • Bounds for trip timestamp value: 0 <= M <= 2^31
  • Within each trip interval, start time < end time
  • End time is exclusive when considering trips overlapping

Return if there are any overlapping trip intervals.

[[1, 3], [2, 5]] -> true
[[1, 3], [3, 5]] -> false



  • 行程间隔数组可以为空:如果数组为空,显然没有重叠。
  • 行程间隔数的范围:0≤𝑁≤2310≤N≤231。
  • 时间戳的范围:0≤𝑀≤2310≤M≤231。
  • 每个行程间隔内部:起始时间必须小于结束时间。
  • 结束时间排他性:结束时间与下一个行程的开始时间相同不算重叠。


  1. 排序:首先根据每个行程的起始时间对行程间隔进行排序。这样,我们只需比较连续的行程间隔是否重叠。
  2. 比较相邻行程:遍历排序后的行程间隔数组,比较每个行程的结束时间与下一个行程的开始时间。如果当前行程的结束时间大于下一个行程的开始时间,则存在重叠。
  3. 返回结果:如果发现任何重叠,函数应返回 true。如果所有行程间隔都不重叠,函数返回 false


There is a array of trips intervals, non-sorted, represented as a 2D integer array, each trip intervals within that array are 1D 2-element arrays consisting start time as first element, and end time as second element and has the following criteria:

  • Entire trip interval array can be empty
  • Bounds for number of trip intervals: 0 <= N <= 2^31
  • Bounds for trip timestamp value: 0 <= M <= 2^31
  • Within each trip interval, start time < end time
  • End time is exclusive when considering trips overlapping

Return the maximum concurrent trips at any given time.



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