CS-OA cs-vo Faang



最近Amazon推进2024Summer Intern面试流程,Meta也推进NG\Intern面试流程,进入集中发OA阶段,部分同学收到VO。 同时根据同学们的反馈,今年的TikTok真的成了NG的白月光,现在进入了面试和发offer的高峰期。(现在仍在发24NG岗)



面试官在面试过程中会对候选人的项目内容进行deep dive,通过考察候选人的技术功底、对热门技术栈的掌握程度以及项目整体开发的熟练度,从而判断候选人是否具备【上手就能干活】的能力。


1. Code Question 1 Amazon Prime Video has recently released an exclusiveseries on its platform. They collected the number of viewersfrom n different regions across the world and stored thedata in the array num_viewers. The success value of the release is defined as the sum ofviewership in the top k regions, those with the highestviewers. For example, if num_viewers =[3, 2, 1, 4, 5and k =3, then the success value of the release is 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 as[3, 4 57are the top 3 values. Given a number of kvalues, calculate the success value foreach query. Example The viewership in 5 regions is num_viewers = [2, 5, 6, 3, 5and we want to find the success value for 3 queries that arequeries =[2, 3 5 For the first query, k = 2, the viewership of the top 2 regions is[6, 5]. The success value is 6 + 5 = 11. For the second query, k = 3, the viewership of the top3 regions is[6, 5,5] and 6 + 5 +5 =16. For the third query, k = 5, all 5 regions are used for thesuccess value and 6+5 +5+3 +2=21.



运行这个程序会返回一个列表,包含对应于每个查询的成功观看次数。在这个示例中,输出应该是[11, 16, 21],这对应于k值分别为2、3和5时的成功观看次数。

Return [11, 16, 21] Function DescriptionComplete the function findSuccessValue in the editor below. findSuccessValue has the following parameters:int num_viewersIn]: viewership from n different regionsqueries[q]: an array of kvalues Returns int[q]: the maximum possible success values for each query VInput Format For Custom Testing The first line contains an integer, n, the number ofelements in num_viewers.Each line iof the n subsequent lines (where 0 <i< n)contains an integer, num_viewers[il.The next line contains an integer, q, denoting the numberof elements in queries. Each line iof the g subsequent lines (where 0 < i< g)contains an integer, queries[il.







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