CS-OA cs-vo Faang



题目如下: 第一轮:sort an array但这个array满足一个条件, the absolute difference between the index of an element in the sorted array and the original array is less than k, k << len(arr) 然后要求你leverage this information to speed up the sorting to outperform a general algo like quicksort

第二轮:给了一个two-dim array,

有三种点,wall,empty和customer table,要求find an empty cell to place a service table so that the sum of the distance from this table to all other customer tables is shortest

google 4 summer Engineering intern2023.12

google intern是两轮coding面试,但是我有一个没面好,所以又加面了一次,结果还没出 第一轮,是面试官自己出的题,ta说并不expect做出来,只要根据思路一步一步做就行,到最后也没有要求写出完整的代码,但是面试官貌似还是比较满意的。 第二轮,是高频题900,但是我傻了,答得很不好;一开始是简化版本返回next 1 element就行,我猜之后应该要问next n。


大概是这样的class Node { vector<Node*> parents; }

一个Node有两个parents,代表父亲和母亲,然后给定两个Node,找他们到lowest common ancester的距离。整个结构感觉不能算是有单个root的tree,所以不太像常规的LCA。

用BFS去一层一层往上找,把ancestors存在hash table里,如果第一次遇到了相同的ancestor就是找到了LCA

Google 2024 Research Intern Timeline 2023.12 最近过了2024 Google Research Intern interviews,进入project search stage,分享下时间线 Timeline: 10/08/2023 通过内推申请 11/16/2023 收到面试邀请 11/27/2023 两轮面试,主要讨论做过的研究项目,据此延伸性问些问题 12/01/2023 通知通过面试,进入project search stage,填完Intern project preference questionnaire




1谷歌真的很看重你的Googleyness。Googleyness是谷歌文化的重要组成,是谷歌员工身上共有的一些characteristics。这个谷歌面试很喜欢用behavior question来看你如何做决定。难度: 2灵活度和积极解决问题的能力。谷歌工作充满不确定性,需要灵活,抗压能力强并且能在充满不确定性的环境下及时做出决策的人。难度:4颗星 3技术和产品知识和经验。再多的简历亮点,没有真正的对技术和产品的了解都会是很大一个短板。谷歌hiring manager大都一眼能识破你到底对技术了解多深,建议大家还是打牢基础。

难度:4颗星   个人背景:我做的是谷歌搜索引擎广告(paid search advertising),之前在世界最大media agency给KFC做search和social media。


Google的行为面试题可以分为以下四类: 1. General 一般的 2. Teamwork 团队合作 3. Leadership领导力 4. Project management 项目管理
无论担任什么角色,Google 都会对你的简历、动机以及为什么想专门为他们工作感到好奇。 Why Google? Tell me about yourself Tell me about this [past related project]that you worked on Tell me about a challenge or conflictyou faced at your past/current job. Howdid you handle it? Tell me about a time you had to changeTell me about a time when you had tocome up with a creative solution tosolve a problem. Tell me about a time you createdsomething from nothingTell me about your biggestachievements in your past work
Teamwork Tell me about how you work withdifficult people Tell me about a time you worked on a cross-functional teamTell me about a time you had toresolve a conflict in a teamDo you prefer working in small or largeteams? Define your ideal work environmentand manager How would you deal with a coworkerwho you notice is isolating themselffrom the larger group?
你可能会被问到度过困难局面的能力、你如何解决冲突等方面的问题 Tell me about a time you demonstratedleadership even though you weren't theformal manager Tell me about a time you led a teamthrough a difficult situationTell me about a time you developedand retained team members Tell me about a time you had to handletrade offs and ambiguity Which traits differentiate a managerfrom a leader, and how do you rankyourself as a leader on those traits?How would you deal with a teamchallenge in a balanced way?
你可能会被问到有关您的整体项目管理理念、处理复杂和模糊情况的能力以及交付成果的经验。 Tell me about a time you had to handlea project that was lateTell me about a time you were theend-to-end owner of a project Tell me about a time you used data tomake a critical decision Tell me about a time you used data tomeasure impact Tell me about a time you improved aprocess at one of your previousworkplaces How will you go about doing this job f.;the first 90 days?

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