CS-OA cs-vo Faang

[TikTok] AMS GradAssessment 2024 Start OA


Compatible GPUs
ByteDance is planning to buy some GPUs fortraining their new computer vision models usingthem.They have 2 clusters on which all the modelsare saved. There are n GPUs available where thecost of the ith GPU is represented by arrayelement cost/i7. Also, there aretwo arrays compatible1 and compatible2 each containing n integers, where each integer is either 0 or 1.representing the following:

If compatible1[i]= 1, then the jth GpU is compatiblewith cluster 1, else it is not compatible with cluster1.

If compatible2l[i]= 1, then the th GpU is compatiblewith cluster 2, else it is not compatible with cluster2

The company wants to buy the GPUs such that thereare at least a min compatible number of GPUscompatible with each of cluster 1 and cluster 2Given n GPUs, an integer min compatible, andthree arrays cost, compatible1 and compatible2, findthe minimum possible cost of GPUs such that thereare at least a min compatible number of GPUscompatible with each of cluster 1 and cluster 2Return -1 if it is not possible to buy the GPUssatisfying the above condition.

今年的Tiktok的NG OA堪称地狱难度,使用的是hackrank,开了摄像头和录音,禁止带耳机,记录切出。北美小伙伴们直呼卷不动。这是2024秋招的第一波机会,所幸我们可以进行OA代做,OA辅导,OA作弊,帮你超过95%的人问题不大。

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