[SIG] OA 2025 Start – 20 Feb (Generic)

Think about a team chat with numerous users writing messages in it. The chat supports two types of actions:

  • ["MESSAGE", "<timestamp>", "<mentions>"]
    • Messages a set of users. The format looks as follows.
    • <mentions> string can contain the following space-separated tokens:
      • id<number> where <number> is an integer in range [1:999] - mentioning of individual users.
      • ALL - mentioning all users.
      • HERE - mentioning active users.
  • ["OFFLINE", "<timestamp>", "<id>"]
    • Makes a user with a given id inactive for 60 time ticks – the user will be active again at time <timestamp> + 60. It is guaranteed that the user with given <id> will be active when this action is applied.

Note: all the events are sorted by their timestamp.

Examples of events

  • ["MESSAGE", "0", "id1"] – mentioning user with id id1.
  • ["MESSAGE", "9", "HERE id3"] – mentioning all the active users and user with id id3.
  • ["MESSAGE", "5", "ALL"] – mentioning all the users.
  • ["MESSAGE", "100", ""] – message, without mentioning any user.
  • ["OFFLINE", "200", "id3"] – making user with id id3 inactive.

Please note, that mentions do not contain any other text, but only a list of ids or aliases separated by a space.

Your task is to calculate mention statistics. Given a list of users in the group chat and a list of chat events, count the number of message events that each user is mentioned in.

Return the results in an array of strings, with each string following this format: ["user id|mentions count"]. The array should be sorted lexicographically by user id in ascending order.

Note: You are not expected to provide the most optimal solution, but a solution with time complexity not worse than O(members.length * events.length) will fit within the execution time limit.


members = ["id42", "id158", "id23"]
events = [ ["MESSAGE", "0", "ALL id158 id42"], ["OFFLINE", "1", "id158"], ["MESSAGE", "5", "id158 id158"], ["OFFLINE", "3", "id23"], ["MESSAGE", "6", "HERE id158 id42 id23"], ["MESSAGE", "61", "HERE"] ]

the output should be solution(members, events) = ["id158-4", "id23-2", "id42-3"].


  • In the first event at time 0, all users are mentioned with ALL alias. Note that id158 and id42 are mentioned twice – once by ALL alias and once by their ids, but they should be counted once.
  • In the second event at time 1 the user id158 becomes inactive.
  • In the second event at time 1 the user id158 becomes inactive.
  • In the third event at time 2 the user id158 is mentioned and they get notified even when inactive.
  • In the third event at time 2 the user id158 is mentioned twice, but it should be counted once.
  • In the fourth event at time 3 the user id23 becomes inactive.
  • In the fifth event at time 6, all active users and id158, id42, and id23 are mentioned. Note that id158 and id23 are mentioned by their username, so they will be notified even when they are inactive, and id42 is mentioned twice – once by HERE alias and once by their id, but it should be counted once.
  • In the last event at time 61, the user with id158 is back online again as they have been offline for 60 time ticks already. Here all the active users are mentioned – which are id42 and id158.

So, the output should be ["id158-4", "id23-2", "id42-3"].


  • [execution time limit] 0.5 seconds (cpp)
  • [memory limit] 1 GB
  • [input] array.string members
    • Member id list.
    • Guaranteed constraints: 2 ≤ members.length ≤ 50, 3 ≤ members[i].length ≤ 5.
  • [input] array.array.string events
    • Events occurred in chronological order. Note, that timestamps can be in range [0:200].
    • Guaranteed constraints: 1 ≤ events.length ≤ 100.
  • [output] array.string
    • Return an array of strings containing all user ids from members, with count of each user id mentions across events (described above) separated by - sign. This array should be sorted lexicographically by user id in ascending order.

[C++] Syntax Tips

// Prints help message to the console  
// Returns a string  
string helloWorld(string name) {  
    cout << "This prints to the console when you Run Tests" << endl;  
    return "Hello, " + name;  

For a grid of black and white cells with rows rows and cols columns, you're given an array black that contains the [row, column] coordinates of all the black cells in the grid.

Your task is to compute how many 2 × 2 submatrices of the grid contain exactly blackcount black cells for each 0 ≤ blackcount ≤ 4. As a result, you will return an array of 5 integers, where the ith element is the number of 2 × 2 submatrices with exactly i black cells.

It is guaranteed that black cell coordinates in the black array are pairwise unique, so the same cell is not colored twice.


For rows = 3, cols = 3, and black = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]], the output should be solution(rows, cols, black) = [1, 2, 0, 1, 0].


  • [execution time limit] 0.5 seconds (cpp)
  • [memory limit] 1 GB
  • [input] integer rows
    • An integer representing the number of rows in the grid.
    • Guaranteed constraints: 2 ≤ rows ≤ 10⁵.
  • [input] integer cols
    • An integer representing the number of columns in the grid.
    • Guaranteed constraints: 2 ≤ cols ≤ 10⁵.
  • [input] array.array.integer black
    • An array of black cells. Each black cell is represented as a 2-element array [row, column]. Black cells are guaranteed to be all unique.
    • Guaranteed constraints: 0 ≤ black.length ≤ 500, black[i].length = 2, 0 ≤ black[i][0] < rows, 0 ≤ black[i][1] < cols.
  • [output] array.integer64
    • An array of 5 integers, where the ith element is the number of 2 × 2 submatrices in the grid with i black cells.

[C++] Syntax Tips

// Prints help message to the console  
// Returns a string  
string helloWorld(string name) {  
    cout << "This prints to the console when you Run Tests" << endl;  
    return "Hello, " + name;  


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