[Goldman Sachs] OA 2025 Start – 04 Feb (Generic)

Process Scheduler

Process scheduling algorithms are used by a CPU to optimally schedule the running processes. A core can execute one process at a time, but a CPU may have multiple cores.

There are n processes where the i-th process starts its execution at start[i] and ends at end[i], both inclusive. Find the minimum number of cores required to execute the processes.


n = 3
start = [1, 3, 4]
end = [3, 6, 6]

  • If the CPU has only one core, the first process starts at 1 and ends at 3. The second process starts at 3. Since both processes need a processor at 3, they overlap. There must be more than 1 core.
  • If the CPU has two cores, the first process runs on the first core from 1 to 3, the second runs on the second core from 3 to 6, and the third process runs on the first core from 4 to 6.
  • Return 2, the minimum number of cores required.

Function Description

Complete the function getMinCores in the editor below.

getMinCores takes the following arguments:

  • int start[n]: the start times of processes
  • int end[n]: the end times of processes


  • int: the minimum number of cores required


  • 1 ≤ n ≤ 10⁵
  • 1 ≤ start[i] ≤ 10⁹


3 → start[] size = 3
1 3 4 → start[] = [1, 3, 4]
3 → end[] size = 3
3 6 6 → end[] = [3, 6, 6]

Sample Output



Using 2 cores, the first and second processes finish at time 3. The third process starts at 3. Given the conflict, there must be at least 1 more core.

Process Scheduler

Process scheduling algorithms are used by a CPU to optimally schedule the running processes. A core can execute one process at a time, but a CPU may have multiple cores.

There are n processes where the ith process starts its execution at start[i] and ends at end[i], both inclusive. Find the minimum number of cores required to execute the processes.

n = 3
start = [1, 3, 4]
end = [3, 6, 5]

If the CPU has only one core, the first process starts at 1 and ends at 3. The second process starts at 3. Since both processes need a processor at 3, they overlap. There must be more than 1 core.

If the CPU has two cores, the first process runs on the first core from 1 to 3, the second runs on the second core from 3 to 6, and the third process runs on the first core from 4 to 6.

Return 2, the minimum number of cores required.

Function Description

Complete the function getMinCores in the editor below.

getMinCores takes the following arguments:

  • int start[n]: the start times of processes
  • int end[n]: the end times of processes


  • int: the minimum number of cores required


  • 1 <= n <= 10⁵
  • 1 <= start[i] <= end[i] <= 10⁹

3 → start[] size n = 3
1 3 4 → start[] = [1, 3, 4]
3 6 5 → end[] = [3, 6, 5]

Sample Output

Using 2 cores, the first and second processes finish at time 3. The third process starts at 3. Given the conflict, there must be at least 1 more core.


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