A company manages a network of n servers to handle incoming requests. Each server can handle a specified number of requests represented by an array, serverCapacity. However, the actual incoming requests for each server, represented by incomingRequests, may exceed the capacity of some servers, leading to potential overload and performance degradation.
To optimize load distribution and ensure efficient server utilization, the company plans to double the capacity of any k servers. The task is to determine the maximum total number of requests that can be handled by all the servers after implementing these changes.
n = 4
serverCapacity = [10, 4, 3, 7]
incomingRequests = [3, 10, 4, 5]
Given a brand name, use a chocolate database to find the most expensive chocolate per gram for that particular brand. Use HTTP GET requests to access the database at https://jsonmock.hackerrank.com/api/chocolates. The query result is paginated and can be further accessed by appending to the query string &page={num} where num is the page number.
To filter the query based on specific fields, append =value to the URL. For example, https://jsonmock.hackerrank.com/api/chocolates?brand={brand} returns records filtered on brand.
The query response from the API includes these fields:
- page: the current page
- per_page: the maximum results per page
- total: the total number of records
- total_pages: the total number of pages for the query
- data: an array of JSON objects containing chocolate information
Each object in the data field includes the following:
- brand: the brand name of the chocolate
- productNumber: the product number of the chocolate
- prices: a price array of different variations of the chocolate
- weights: a weight array of different variations of the chocolate
The developers working on a social media network app want to analyze user behavior. There are n event logs where userEvent[i] denotes the userId for the user that triggered the i-th event. The team wants to analyze the subarrays of the logs which are consistent, that is, the frequency of the most frequent user in the subarray is equal to the frequency of the least frequent user in the whole array. Find the maximum length of consistent logs.
- A subarray is a contiguous group of elements in an array.
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