CS-OA cs-vo Faang

Welcome to [TikTok] AMS Grad Assessment 2025 Start-12-16 Oct (Generic) – tiktok OA – 一亩三分地 – OA 代写 – VO support

Let's take a look at TikTok's OA exam questions for this week together

  1. Flight Reservation System and Graph Algorithms A flight reservation system must find the shortest flight route between two cities, considering multiple layovers. The system also needs to handle the dynamic nature of flight schedules, where flight times between cities change frequently. What is the most suitable algorithm to use for determining the shortest flight route between two cities?Pick ONE option:
    • Kruskal's Algorithm
    • Prim’s Algorithm
    • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
    • Depth-First Search (DFS)

  1. Minimizing Processing Time in a Server Load Balancer Using Heaps A company uses a load balancer to assign tasks to servers. Each server has a different processing time, and the goal is to assign tasks to the server that currently has the least load. Which data structure should be used to optimize this assignment process?Pick ONE option:
    • Hash Table
    • Min Heap
    • Stack
    • Unordered Array

  1. Efficiently Processing Customer Orders with a Queue-Based System A fast-food restaurant processes customer orders using a system where the first customer to place an order is the first to be served. Due to an increase in customer volume, the restaurant needs to ensure that this order processing remains efficient. Which data structure should be used to manage the orders?Pick ONE option:
    • Stack
    • Queue
    • Linked List
    • Binary Search Tree (BST)

  1. Route Optimization in a Delivery Network with Dynamic Edge Weights A delivery company manages a fleet of vehicles and wants to optimize the routes they take based on the time it takes to travel between various points. Traffic conditions change dynamically throughout the day, and the company needs to quickly update the travel times and recalculate optimal routes. Which algorithm should be employed to account for these changing conditions in real-time?Pick ONE option:
    • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
    • Dijkstra’s Algorithm with Static Weights
    • Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
    • A Search Algorithm*

  1. Efficient Product Inventory Management (Binary Search in Sorted Arrays) A product management system stores product IDs in a sorted list. To improve search efficiency, your company decides to implement a binary search to find whether a product ID exists in the list or not. Considering a 0-indexed array, below is a function findProduct(ID, productList) which uses binary

6. Optimizing TikTok Collectible Packs

ByteDance has launched a new feature on TikTok called "TikTok Collectibles," where users can collect and trade digital cards featuring popular TikTok creators. Each creator has different categories of cards, such as rare cards for the most followed creators, special edition cards with unique designs, and interactive cards that come with exclusive video content.

ByteDance wants to create a number of collectible packs, each containing equal numbers of each type of card. To achieve this, they need to add more cards to ensure each type can be evenly distributed across the packs.

Given the current inventory of each category of cards as an integer array cardTypes of size nnn, determine the minimum number of additional cards needed so that they can create more than one pack with an equal type distribution.


  • n=5
  • cardTypes = [4, 7, 5, 11, 15]

In order to make 2 matching packets, the following numbers of additional cards of each type must be added: [0,1,1,1,1]. This sums to 4 additional cards. The numbers of cards are [4,8,6,12,16] and they can be divided evenly among 2 packets. If 3 packets are created, an additional [2,2,1,1,0] cards are needed, summing to 6 items. This yields quantities [6,9,6,12,15]. Any number of packets greater than or equal to 2 can be created, but creating 2 packets requires the minimum number of additional cards.

Function Description Complete the function cardPackets in the editor below.

cardPackets has the following parameter:

  • int cardTypes[n]: the quantity available of each card type


  • int: the minimum number of additional cards to add.

Function Signature

def cardPackets(cardTypes):
# Write your code here
def cost(mod):
return sum((mod - x % mod) % mod for x in cardTypes)
return min(cost(i) for i in range(2, 505))

7. TikTok Metrics Analysis

Bytedance, renowned for its innovative products like TikTok, is expanding its financial analytics capabilities to offer more comprehensive insights for its creators and partners. The task is to optimize a data processing pipeline for TikTok's financial analytics platform. The objective is to enhance the module to efficiently identify the longest 'good subarray' of financial metrics meeting a specific criterion.

Given an array financialMetrics of size n, where each element represents a numerical financial metric, and a threshold value limit, the goal is to find the maximum length of a non-empty consecutive sequence of data points in financialMetrics that satisfies the following condition:

  • Each data point in the sequence must be greater than (limit / length of the sequence). This sequence is termed a 'good subarray' for analysis. If there is no 'good subarray' in the dataset, the function should return -1.


  • n = 5
  • limit = 6
  • financialMetrics = [1, 3, 4, 3, 1]

Let's observe all the subarrays of financialMetrics:

Analysis of all Subarrays:

  • [1]: 1 < (6/1) = 6, so this is not a good subarray.
  • [3]: 3 < (6/1) = 6, so this is not a good subarray.
  • [4]: 4 < (6/1) = 6, so this is not a good subarray.
  • [3, 4]: 3 < (6/2) = 3, so this is a good subarray.
  • [3, 4, 3]: 3 < (6/3) = 2, so this is a good subarray.

Thus, the maximum length of a good subarray is 3, and the good subarray is [3, 4, 3].

Function Description Complete the function getMaxGoodSubarrayLength in the editor.

getMaxGoodSubarrayLength has the following parameters:

  • int limit: the threshold value.
  • int financialMetrics[n]: an array of length n.


  • int: the maximum length of a good subarray of financialMetrics.


  • 1 <= n <= 10^5
  • 1 <= financialMetrics[i] <= 10^9
  • 1 <= limit <= 10^9

Function Signature

def getMaxGoodSubarrayLength(limit, financialMetrics):
# Your code here


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