CS-OA cs-vo Faang

barraiser system design 系统设计真题 – 面试辅助 – VO support

最近北美VO中面试题的新花样层出不穷,一些小公司早就不局限于刷算法题了,例如retool和barraiser的系统设计题目。今天给大家分享的是一道典型的system design 算法题。

Context: Develop a robust product sales platform that allows vendors to add products to the catalog and shoppers to search, add items to the shopping cart, and complete the purchase. It is crucial that the platform is scalable, resilient, and fault-tolerant.

Platform Features:

  • Catalog Management: Vendors can add and manage their products in the platform's catalog.
  • Search and Cart: Shoppers can search for products and add them to the shopping cart.
  • Checkout: Completion of the purchase and sending an email with the receipt.

Main Tasks:

  • Architecture Diagram: Develop a detailed architecture diagram of the platform, highlighting how it supports catalog management, search, cart addition, and purchase completion features, as well as mechanisms to increase the application's resilience given the expected spike in demand. Interaction between the candidate and the interviewer is expected. Ask the necessary questions to help you better define the architecture.


  • Plan for scalability without resorting to ELB/ALB or managed services like S3, RDS, or SQS.
  • The connection with the payment gateway is a synchronous Rest API.

背景: 开发一个强大的产品销售平台,允许供应商将产品添加到目录中,并让购物者可以搜索、将商品添加到购物车以及完成购买。该平台必须具有可扩展性、弹性和容错能力。


  • 目录管理: 供应商可以在平台的目录中添加和管理他们的产品。
  • 搜索和购物车: 购物者可以搜索产品并将其添加到购物车。
  • 结账: 完成购买并发送带有收据的电子邮件。


  • 架构图: 开发平台的详细架构图,重点突出其如何支持目录管理、搜索、购物车添加和购买完成功能,以及在预期需求激增的情况下提高应用程序弹性的机制。预期候选人与面试官之间会有互动。提出必要的问题以帮助更好地定义架构。


  • 规划可扩展性时,不得使用 ELB/ALB 或 S3、RDS、SQS 等托管服务。
  • 与支付网关的连接是同步的 Rest API。


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