- Student's Major
A university maintains data on students and their majors in three tables: STUDENTS, MAJORS, and REGISTER. The university needs a list of STUDENT_NAME and MAJOR_NAME. Sort the list by STUDENT_ID and return the first 20 records.
Table Schema
Name | Type | Description |
STUDENT_ID | Integer | The ID of a student. This is the primary key. |
STUDENT_NAME | String | The name of the student. |
STUDENT_AGE | Integer | The age of the student. |
Name | Type | Description |
MAJOR_ID | Integer | The ID of a major. This is the primary key. |
MAJOR_NAME | String | The name of a major. |
Name | Type | Description |
STUDENT_ID | Integer | The ID of a student. This is a foreign key. |
MAJOR_ID | Integer | The ID of a major. This is a foreign key. |
- Java: Braces
Given a list of strings of bracket characters {}
, determine if the string of brackets is balanced under the following conditions:
- It is the empty string.
- If strings a and b are balanced, then ab is balanced.
- If string a is balanced, then
is balanced.
Write a class that determines whether the brackets in each string are balanced and returns true if the string is balanced.
Example 0s = ["{}", "{}", "{{}}"]
exhibits condition 2 above.{}
are balanced, so"{}{}"
is balanced. Return true.s[1]
exhibits condition 3 above.{}
is balanced, so"{{}}"
is balanced. Return true.s[2]
exhibits condition 3 above.{}
is balanced, so"{{}}"
is balanced. Return true.
Example 1s = ["{", "{}}", "{{"]
s[0] = "{"
is an unbalanced string due to the open{
. Return false.s[1] = "{}}"
is an unbalanced string due to}
has been closed. Return false.s[2] = "{{"
is an unbalanced string because neither}
is closed. Return false.
- Street Play in HackerLand
The Film and Theater Society of HackerLand is conducting a street play next month. The stage is n meters long, and there are m lights above it. Each light is either red, blue, or green. When all three colors shine on some area, that area appears to have white light.
Each light illuminates a range of the stage and is represented as three attributes:
color, left, right.
- Color is 1, 2, or 3 to represent red, blue, and green.
- Left and right represent the illuminated range’s extent.
Find the total number of integer positions on the stage illuminated with white light.
The stage is n = 5 meters long and has m = 3 lights above it.
lights = [[1, 1, 5], [2, 2, 5], [3, 3, 5]]
- Light 1 is red and covers a range from 1 to 5.
- Light 2 is blue and covers a range from 2 to 5.
- Light 3 is green and covers a range from 3 to 5.
The range [3, 5], locations 3, 4, and 5, receive white light. Return 3.
Function Description
Complete the function getWhiteLightLength in the editor below.
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