[Codesignal] in memory database Industry OA


Your task is to implement a simplified version of an in-memory database. All operations that should be supported by this database are described below.

Solving this task consists of several levels. Subsequent levels are opened when the current level is correctly solved. You always have access to the data for the current and all previous levels.

You can execute a single test case by running the following command in the terminal:

bash run_single_test.sh "<test_case_name>"


Your task is to implement a simplified version of an in-memory database. Plan your design according to the level specifications below:

Level 1: The in-memory database should support basic operations to manipulate records, fields, and values within fields.

Level 2: The in-memory database should support displaying a specific record's fields based on a filter.

Level 3: The in-memory database should support TTL (Time-To-Live) configurations on database records.

Level 4: The in-memory database should support backup and restore functionality.

To move to the next level, you need to pass all the tests at this level when submitting the solution.

Level 1

The basic level of the in-memory database contains records. Each record can be accessed with a unique identifier key of string type. A record may contain several field-value pairs, both of which are of string type.

  • set(self, key: str, field: str, value: str) -> None — Inserts a field-value pair to the record associated with key. If the field in the record already exists, replace the existing value with the specified value. If the record does not exist, create a new one.
  • get(self, key: str, field: str) -> str | None — Returns the value contained within the field of the record associated with key. If the record or the field doesn't exist, return None.
  • delete(self, key: str, field: str) -> bool — Removes the field from the record associated with key. Returns True if the field was successfully deleted, and False if the key or the field does not exist in the database.


set("A", "B", "E")Database state: { "A": { "B": "E" } }
set("A", "C", "F")Database state: { "A": { "C": "F", "B": "E" } }
get("A", "B")Returns "E"
get("A", "D")Returns None
delete("A", "B")Returns True; Database state: { "A": { "C": "F" } }
delete("A", "D")Returns False; Database state: { "A": { "C": "F" } }

Level 2

The database should support displaying data based on filters. Introduce an operation to support printing some fields of a record.

  • scan(self, key: str) -> list[str] — Returns a list of strings representing the fields of a record associated with key. The returned list should be in the format ["<field_1>(<value_1>)", "<field_2>(<value_2>)", ...], where fields are sorted lexicographically. If the specified record does not exist, returns an empty list.
  • scan_by_prefix(self, key: str, prefix: str) -> list[str] — Returns a list of strings representing some fields of a record associated with key. Only fields that start with prefix should be included. The returned list should follow the same format as scan with fields sorted lexicographically.


set("A", "BC", "E")Database state: { "A": { "BC": "E" } }
set("A", "BD", "F")Database state: { "A": { "BC": "E", "BD": "F" } }
set("A", "C", "G")Database state: { "A": { "BC": "E", "BD": "F", "C": "G" } }
scan_by_prefix("A", "B")Returns ["BC(E)", "BD(F)"]
scan("A")Returns ["BC(E)", "BD(F)", "C(G)"]
scan_by_prefix("B", "B")Returns []

Level 3

Support the timeline of operations and TTL (Time-To-Live) settings for records and fields. Each operation from previous levels now has an alternative version with a timestamp parameter to represent when the operation was executed.

  • set_at(self, key: str, field: str, value: str, timestamp: int) -> None — Inserts a field-value pair or updates the value of the field in the record associated with key.
  • set_at_with_ttl(self, key: str, field: str, value: str, timestamp: int, ttl: int) -> None — Inserts a field-value pair or updates the value of the field in the record associated with key. Also sets its TTL starting at timestamp.
  • delete_at(self, key: str, field: str, timestamp: int) -> bool — Same as delete, but with timestamp.
  • get_at(self, key: str, field: str, timestamp: int) -> str | None — Same as get, but with timestamp.
  • scan_at(self, key: str, timestamp: int) -> list[str] — Same as scan, but with timestamp.
  • scan_by_prefix_at(self, key: str, prefix: str, timestamp: int) -> list[str] — Same as scan_by_prefix, but with timestamp.

Level 4

Introduce operations to support backing up and restoring the database state based on timestamps. When restoring, TTL expiration times should be recalculated accordingly.

  • backup(self, timestamp: int) -> int — Saves the database state at the specified timestamp, including the remaining TTL for all records and fields. Returns the number of non-empty non-expired records.
  • restore(self, timestamp: int, timestamp_to_restore: int) -> None — Restores the database from the latest backup before or at timestamp_to_restore. Expiration times should be recalculated accordingly.

These operations ensure database persistence and allow restoration to previous states, maintaining TTL integrity over time.


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