[Startups] OA 2025 Start – 02 Feb (Generic)

Password Recovery via File Hints

Problem Statement:

You are given an API function:

def solve(files: List[str], hints: List[str]) -> str:


  • files: A list of file paths (e.g., ["/path-to-a/file-a.txt", "path-to-b/b.jpeg"]).
  • hints: A list of hints, formatted as "filename hint_pattern", where hint_pattern contains a partially revealed password with . for unknown characters and [X-Y] for possible character ranges.

Your task is to implement this API such that:

  1. You can return a READ command to read valid .txt files (e.g., return "READ /path-to-a/file-a.txt").
  2. Each READ command provides new hints, which are appended to the hints parameter in subsequent calls.
  3. Once you deduce the complete password, return the ROOT command with the recovered password: return "ROOT {password}"
  4. The solution must be completed within 100 API calls.

Command Format:

  • To read a file: "READ {file_path}" (only .txt files allowed).
  • To submit the password: "ROOT {password}".

Example Flow:

Initial Call

solve(["/path/file1.txt", "/path/image.jpg"], [])

API Returns

"READ /path/file1.txt"

Next Call (after reading)

solve(["/path/file1.txt", "/path/image.jpg"], ["/path/file1.txt ..a[b-d]c[1-3]"])

Password Deduction

If you gather enough hints (e.g., "..a[b-d]c[1-3]" means possible passwords are aac1, aac2, aac3, abc1, abc2, etc.), you submit:

"ROOT aac1"


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