[Ramp] 2025 NG SE Backend OA

The cloud storage system should support operations to add files, copy files, and get files stored on the system.

  • add_file(self, name: str, size: int) -> bool
    Should add a new file name to the storage. size is the amount of memory required in bytes. The current operation fails if a file with the same name already exists. Returns True if the file was added successfully or False otherwise.
  • copy_file(self, name_from: str, name_to: str) -> bool
    Should copy the file at name_from to name_to. The operation fails if name_from points to a file that does not exist or points to a directory. The operation fails if the specified file already exists at name_to. Returns True if the file was copied successfully or False otherwise.
  • get_file_size(self, name: str) -> int | None
    Should return the size of the file name if it exists, or None otherwise.


The example below shows how these operations should work:


  1. add_file("/dir1/dir2/file.txt", 10)
    • Returns True; adds file /dir1/dir2/file.txt of size 10.
  2. copy_file("/not-existing.file", "/dir1/file.txt")
    • Returns False; the file /not-existing.file does not exist.
  3. copy_file("/dir1/dir2/file.txt", "/dir1/file.txt")
    • Returns True; adds file /dir1/file.txt with size 10.
  4. add_file("/dir1/file.txt", 15)
    • Returns False; the file /dir1/file.txt already exists.
  5. copy_file("/dir1/file.txt", "/dir1/dir2/file.txt")
    • Returns False; the file /dir1/dir2/file.txt already exists.
  6. get_file_size("/dir1/file.txt")
    • Returns 10.
  7. get_file_size("/not-existing.file")
    • Returns None; the file does not exist.

Implement support for retrieving file names by searching directories via prefixes and suffixes.

  • find_file(self, prefix: str, suffix: str) -> list[str]
    Should search for files with names starting with prefix and ending with suffix. Returns a list of strings representing all matching files in this format:
    ["<name_1>(<size_1>)", "<name_2>(<size_2>)", ...].
    The output should be sorted in descending order of file sizes or, in the case of ties, lexicographically. If no files match the required properties, should return an empty list.


The example below shows how these operations should work:


  1. add_file("/root/dir/another_dir/file.mp3", 10)
    • Returns True.
  2. add_file("/root/file.mp3", 5)
    • Returns True.
  3. add_file("/root/music/file.mp3", 7)
    • Returns True.
  4. copy_file("/root/music/file.mp3", "/root/dir/file.mp3")
    • Returns True.
  5. find_file("/root", ".mp3")
    • Returns ["/root/dir/another_dir/file.mp3(10)", "/root/music/file.mp3(7)", "/root/file.mp3(5)"].
  6. find_file("/root", "file.txt")
    • Returns []; there is no match.
  7. find_file("/dir", "file.mp3")
    • Returns []; there is no match.


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