1. Question 1
In a school, there are n students who want to participate in an academic decathlon. The teacher wants to select the maximum number of students possible. Each student has a certain skill level. For the team to be uniform, it is important that when the skill levels of its members are arranged in increasing order, the difference between any two consecutive skill levels is either 0 or 1. Find the maximum team size the teacher can form.
skills = [10, 12, 13, 9, 14]
Valid teams, sorted, are {9, 10}, and {12, 13, 14}. These teams have team sizes 2 and 3 respectively, so the maximum team size is 3.
Function Description
Complete the function findMaxTeamSize
in the editor below.
has the following parameter:
int skills[n]: the skill levels of each student
int: the maximum possible size of the team
1 ≤ n ≤ 10^5
1 ≤ skills[i] ≤ 10^9
2. Question 2
Given a list of names, determine the number of names in that list for which a given query string is a prefix. The prefix must be at least 1 character less than the entire name string.
names = ['jackson', 'jacques', 'jack']
query = ['jack']
The complete query string 'jack' is a prefix of jackson but not of jacques or jack. The prefix cannot contain the entire name string, so 'jack' does not qualify.
Function Description
Complete the function findCompletePrefixes
in the editor below. The function must return an array of integers that each denotes the number of names strings for which a query string is a prefix.
has the following parameter(s):
- string names[n]: an array of name strings
- string query[q]: an array of query strings
- int[q]: each value[i] is the answer to query[i]
- 1 ≤ n ≤ 20000
- 2 ≤ length of names[i], query[i] ≤ 30
- 1 ≤ sum of the lengths of all names[i] ≤ 5 × 10^5
- 1 ≤ q ≤ 200
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