Amazon’s technical interviews are renowned for their complexity and emphasis on problem-solving. This blog outlines the journey of a candidate tackling a challenging grid-based water tower placement problem. With the comprehensive guidance of csoahelp, the candidate successfully navigated the interview, addressing both technical and behavioral questions with clarity and precision.
The Problem Statement
**"There is a plot (grid-like land) with each spot having a specified elevation.
Within this plot, there are two villages that need water delivered to them.
Which spot is the best place to build a water tower so that both villages get water?
Water can flow to a spot with the same or lower elevation.
The input will be an N×M dimensional matrix and the coordinates or indices for the two villages.
Return the best spot to build the water tower if there is one.
To keep construction costs as low as possible, the best spot is the spot that is closest to both villages."**
Clarifying the Problem
The candidate began by clarifying the problem to avoid ambiguity, with key pointers from csoahelp:
- csoahelp Guidance: "Ask about the water flow rules and edge cases, such as whether villages can always be connected."
- Candidate Question: "Can water flow diagonally, or is it restricted to the four cardinal directions?"
- Interviewer Response: "Water can only flow up, down, left, and right."
- Candidate Question: "What should the function return if no valid spot exists?"
- Interviewer Response: "You can return
or an equivalent indicator for no solution."
By confirming these details, the candidate ensured their approach would align with the problem’s requirements and demonstrated a methodical approach.
Discussing the Solution Approach
With the problem clearly defined, the candidate began outlining their solution. Using a structured thought process prompted by csoahelp, the candidate articulated their approach:
- Candidate Explanation:
- "I plan to use Breadth-First Search (BFS) from each village’s coordinates to identify all reachable grid cells with valid elevations."
- "Next, I will find the common cells that are reachable by both villages."
- "Finally, I’ll calculate the Manhattan distance from each of these common cells to both villages and select the one with the smallest combined distance as the optimal location for the water tower."
- csoahelp Guidance: "Mention Manhattan distance explicitly to preempt questions about how the 'closest' spot is calculated."
- Candidate Addition: "Using Manhattan distance ensures simplicity and efficiency when calculating proximity in a grid."
Interviewer Follow-Up: "How would you handle a large grid efficiently?"
- Candidate Response: "I would optimize by running a multi-source BFS from both villages simultaneously, which minimizes redundant checks and speeds up the search for common reachable cells."
By leveraging csoahelp’s real-time feedback, the candidate delivered a structured explanation and preemptively addressed optimization concerns.
Tackling Follow-Up Questions
After the initial discussion, the interviewer tested the candidate’s understanding of complexity and edge cases:
- Interviewer Question: "What is the time and space complexity of your approach?"
- Candidate Response:
- "The BFS traversal for each village has a time complexity of O(N × M), where N and M are the grid dimensions. Since we process two BFS runs, the overall complexity is O(2 × N × M), which simplifies to O(N × M)."
- "Space complexity is also O(N × M) to store visited states and the BFS queue."
- csoahelp Guidance: "Emphasize how BFS ensures optimal performance and avoids redundant checks."
- Candidate Addition: "Using a queue in BFS ensures efficient traversal, and the search can terminate early if we identify a common reachable point during traversal."
Interviewer Follow-Up: "What if one of the villages is at a significantly higher elevation than the rest of the grid?"
- Candidate Response: "If a village is at the highest elevation and cannot flow to any other grid cells, BFS will identify this early, and I would return
to indicate no solution exists."
The candidate’s ability to address edge cases and demonstrate awareness of algorithmic efficiency underscored their problem-solving expertise, with csoahelp ensuring they remained confident and composed throughout.
Behavioral Questions
After the technical segment, the interviewer moved on to behavioral questions, testing the candidate’s soft skills and teamwork abilities. csoahelp’s preparation was pivotal here.
- Interviewer Question: "Tell me about a time when you had to resolve a conflict in a team."
- Candidate Response: "In a previous project, we faced a disagreement about the choice of technology for implementing a key feature. My teammate preferred a traditional, proven approach, while I suggested a modern, less-tested framework."
- csoahelp Guidance: "Use the STAR framework to structure your response: Situation, Task, Action, Result."
- Candidate Continued:
- "The situation involved tight deadlines and high stakes. My task was to ensure we made an informed decision that balanced innovation with stability."
- "To resolve the conflict, I initiated a discussion where we evaluated the pros and cons of both approaches. I proposed a compromise: we could test the new framework on a non-critical module while using the traditional approach for the main feature."
- "As a result, we successfully delivered the project on time while gaining valuable insights into the new framework for future use."
By using the STAR framework, the candidate effectively highlighted their conflict-resolution skills and collaborative mindset.
Interview Wrap-Up
At the end of the interview, the candidate provided a summary of their performance:
- Candidate: "I believe I presented a clear and efficient solution to the problem, addressed potential edge cases, and explained my thought process thoroughly. I also appreciated the opportunity to discuss my teamwork experience."
- Interviewer: "Your solution and communication were strong, especially your consideration of optimization and edge cases. I look forward to your next steps in the process."
The Role of csoahelp
Throughout the interview, csoahelp played a critical role in the candidate’s success:
- Problem Clarification: Helped the candidate identify key questions to ensure a full understanding of the problem.
- Structured Thinking: Provided real-time feedback and reminders to maintain clarity and conciseness in explanations.
- Technical Depth: Highlighted areas to emphasize, such as BFS optimization and edge case handling, enabling the candidate to showcase a deep understanding.
- Behavioral Training: Prepared the candidate with frameworks like STAR to navigate behavioral questions with confidence and professionalism.
Amazon’s technical interviews require not just strong problem-solving skills but also the ability to communicate clearly and demonstrate teamwork. With csoahelp’s expert guidance, this candidate tackled complex technical questions and behavioral scenarios, emerging as a strong contender for the role. If you’re preparing for your next big interview, csoahelp can be the partner you need to excel.
If you need more interview support or interview proxy practice, feel free to contact us. We offer comprehensive interview support services to help you successfully land a job at your dream company.