Uber 2025 Software Engineer Internship – Uber OA 2025 – OA 代写 – VO 辅助 – 一亩三分地


Uber's Online Assessment (OA) is conducted on the CodeSignal platform, with a total time limit of 70 minutes for 4 questions. These questions are randomly selected from the platform's question pool.


Given an infinite number line, you would like to build few blocks and obstacles on it. Specifically, you have to implement code which supports two types of operations:

  • [1, x] - builds an obstacle at coordinate x along the number line. It is guaranteed that coordinate x does not contain any obstacles when the operation is performed.
  • [2, x, size] - checks whether it's possible to build a block of size size beginning at position x. For example, for size = 2 and x = 0, it will check 0 and 1 on the number line for obstacles. Returns 1 if it is possible, i.e., there are no obstacles at the occupied coordinates, and return 0 otherwise. Please note that this operation does not actually build the block, it only checks whether a block can be built.

Given an array of operations containing both types of operations above, your task is to return a binary string representing the outputs for all [2, x, size] operations.


Give a list of positive integers, return a sorted list of palindromic numbers in O(n^2) time

Given range a,b, return lowest value a<min<b or 0 if does not exist

Given matrix NxN, sort leftmost column by its weight. Weight is defined as diagonal sum going up and right, (move down when reaching the top)

Find longest subarray divisible by k


Due to the random nature of the questions for each individual, it is not recommended to attempt the assessment on your own. If necessary, you can seek assistance from us at CSOAHelp to successfully complete the OA.


CSOAhelp consistently provide professional online assessment services for major tech companies like TikTok, Google, and Amazon, guaranteeing perfect scores. Feel free to contact us if you're interested.

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