CS-OA cs-vo Faang

Stripe API Receivables Registration Interview – 面试代面 – VO 辅助 – 代面试 – 一亩三分地


今天要介绍的是csoahelp在Stripe进行的一次技术面试的全过程。题目是关于如何处理Stripe在巴西的客户交易记录,并将这些交易作为应收款注册到中央银行的系统。面试过程分为几个环节,包括澄清问题、解题思路的讨论、追问环节,以及最终的时间和空间复杂度的分析。此外,面试官还在最后提出了几个Behavioral Questions(行为问题)。


In this blog, I will walk through a Stripe technical interview I participated in. The problem was about handling customer transaction records in Brazil and registering these transactions as receivables with the central bank. The interview included multiple stages such as clarification questions, solution discussion, follow-up inquiries, and finally an analysis of the time and space complexity. The interviewer also asked some behavioral questions at the end. Below, I'll detail each stage of the interview process.



Stripe in Brazil is obliged to register customer's transactions for each merchant with the central bank as an aggregated unit per day. These are called receivables. A receivable is identified by 3 identifiers:

- merchant_id (String): The id of the merchant on Stripe side.
- card_type (String): The type of the card used for the transaction (e.g., Visa).
- payout_date (String): String date of the funds available to the merchant by Stripe.

A payment transaction in Stripe API can be represented as the following object:

Transaction {
string customer_id
string merchant_id
string payout_date
string card_type
int amount

Implement register_receivables function that takes a string in CSV format where each line represents a transaction and returns the registered aggregated receivables using the rules above.








Clarification Phase

When the interviewer first presented the problem, I took a few moments to read it carefully, and then I asked some clarifying questions:

Candidate (Me):
"Regarding the CSV format, each line represents a single transaction, correct? Should we assume that the input data has already been validated for correctness?"

"Yes, you can assume that the input file has been preprocessed, and you can ignore the first line which is the header."

Candidate (Me):
"Got it. And the aggregation of receivables is based on the combination of merchant_id, card_type, and payout_date, right?"

"That's correct. You need to group the transactions by those three identifiers."

This cleared up the essential rules for solving the problem, and I was ready to proceed with my solution approach.








Solution Discussion

I then proceeded to discuss the overall approach for solving the problem.

Candidate (Me):
"At a high level, I will start by parsing the CSV file, and for each transaction, I will aggregate based on the combination of merchant_id, card_type, and payout_date. I will use a dictionary where the key is the unique combination of these identifiers, and the value is the accumulated transaction amount. Finally, I will generate the output file with the aggregated results."

"That sounds like a reasonable approach. How do you plan to handle the aggregation specifically?"

Candidate (Me):
"For the aggregation, I plan to use a Python dictionary. Each unique combination of merchant_id, card_type, and payout_date will act as the key, and I will increment the amount for each transaction in the dictionary. This will allow for efficient lookups and updates."

"Good. You can go ahead with the implementation."

With this clear understanding, I began implementing the solution.







Follow-up Inquiries

Once I explained my approach, the interviewer asked some additional questions to probe my understanding of edge cases and handling scenarios.

"What if there are duplicate transaction records in the input? How would you handle those?"

Candidate (Me):
"My approach would automatically aggregate those records as well, so duplicate transactions would not be treated separately but simply be summed in the total amount."

"Okay. And what if the input fields contain extra spaces or delimiters?"

Candidate (Me):
"I assume the input has been preprocessed, but if necessary, I could clean up the fields by trimming spaces or handling delimiters during the parsing phase."





Time and Space Complexity Analysis

After solving the problem, I provided a detailed analysis of the time and space complexity of my solution.

Candidate (Me):
"The time complexity of this solution is O(n), where n is the total number of transaction records. This is because we are iterating over each record once, and dictionary lookups and updates are performed in constant time, O(1). The space complexity is also O(n), as we need to store all the transaction records and the aggregated results."

"That sounds correct."


面试最后,面试官询问了一些关于我的团队合作经历和挑战的Behavioral Questions。





Behavioral Questions (BQ) Phase

At the end of the interview, the interviewer asked a few behavioral questions to assess my soft skills.

"Can you tell me about a time when you had to deal with conflict within a team?"

Candidate (Me):
"In a previous project, my team had a disagreement about how to design the database schema. We handled it by setting up a discussion meeting where everyone could present their views. We analyzed the pros and cons of each approach and came to a consensus that balanced the different perspectives. This allowed us to move forward productively while maintaining team harmony."

"Great. And how do you stay calm and effective under pressure?"

Candidate (Me):
"I prioritize tasks and focus on the most critical ones first. By organizing my work and tackling one thing at a time, I’m able to manage stress and ensure that key deliverables are met on time. I also make sure to take breaks when needed to maintain focus."


With the interview assistance provided by CSOAHelp, the candidate successfully achieved excellent results in this interview. If you are also looking for professional guidance and support during your interview process, feel free to contact us. We offer customized interview assistance services to help you confidently tackle interview challenges and succeed.

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