CS-OA cs-vo Faang

Stripe面试题:代码替换与三元组问题 – Stripe Interview Questions: Code Replacement and Tuple Matching Problem – VO support – interview prxoy – 面试辅助



Question 1: Code Replacement

Problem Description (Original):

  • Given an input sourceCode = "num foo;", and a list of replacements = [{start: 0, before: "num", after: "String"}, {start: 4, before: "foo", after: "bar"}], replace the values in the sourceCode with the given replacements, ensuring the result matches the expected output.


sourceCode = "num foo;"
replacements = [
{start: 0, before: "num", after: "String"},
{start: 4, before: "foo", after: "bar"}

"String bar;"


候选人:对于这道题,是否需要假设输入总是合法的?也就是说,给定的 before 确实会在 sourceCodestart 位置开始?

面试官:是的,输入数据是可信的。你可以假设 beforestart 是正确的,不需要额外验证。

候选人:好的,那是否允许我们进行多次遍历或者重构 sourceCode?比如我可以通过一次扫描或者构造新的字符串来解决这个问题吗?



Clarification Stage

Candidate: Should I assume the input is always valid? Meaning, the before string will always start at the start index in the sourceCode?

Interviewer: Yes, you can assume the input data is correct. You don't need to handle any validation for the before or start positions.

Candidate: Alright, is it acceptable to make multiple passes over the sourceCode, or can I restructure it in any way, such as by creating a new string?

Interviewer: Yes, feel free to choose any approach. We're more interested in how you handle the ordered replacements efficiently.

(In this stage, the candidate clarifies the edge cases of the problem, specifically about input validity, and confirms if restructuring the string is a valid approach. This ensures that their understanding aligns with the interviewer's expectations.)


候选人:这个问题本质上可以看作是一个有序的替换问题。首先,我需要处理每个 replacement,根据 start 来找到字符串中的替换位置,验证 before 是否匹配,然后用 after 替换掉对应部分。


  1. 遍历整个 sourceCode 并进行原地替换:逐个处理每个替换,依次扫描,直接在字符串上进行修改。
  2. 构造新字符串:通过将每个替换结果插入新的字符串中,这样可以避免直接操作原始字符串,保证替换过程不会破坏后续替换的准确性。


候选人:第一种方法的时间复杂度是 O(n)(n 是 sourceCode 的长度),但每次替换可能需要移动字符串的一部分,因此在最坏情况下复杂度可能更高。

第二种方法的时间复杂度理论上也是 O(n),但由于我们每次都将结果追加到新的字符串上,可以有效避免因原地替换导致的移位问题。此外,第二种方法的空间复杂度是 O(n),因为我们构建了一个新的字符串。

Algorithm Discussion Stage

Candidate: This problem can be viewed as an ordered replacement task. The main idea is to process each replacement, find the position in the string using the start, check if the before string matches the expected substring, and then replace it with the after string.

I can think of two approaches:

  1. Iterate over the sourceCode and perform in-place replacements: I can go through each replacement one by one, scanning the string and directly modifying it.
  2. Build a new string: Instead of modifying the original string, I can construct a new one by processing each replacement and appending the result to this new string.

Interviewer: Sounds good, can you explain the time and space complexity of these two approaches?

Candidate: The first method has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the sourceCode. However, each replacement might involve shifting parts of the string, so in the worst case, the complexity could be higher.

The second method also has a time complexity of O(n) because we’re constructing the result incrementally without shifting elements. The space complexity is O(n) since we’re creating a new string.


面试官:如果 replacements 中的元素不是按照 start 排序的,你的算法还能正常工作吗?你会如何处理这种情况?

候选人:如果 replacements 没有排序,那我会先对它们进行排序,按照 start 的位置从小到大排序,这样可以保证替换时不破坏后续的位置。排序的时间复杂度是 O(m log m),其中 m 是 replacements 的长度。整体时间复杂度仍然可以保持在 O(n + m log m)。


Follow-up Questions Stage

Interviewer: What if the elements in replacements are not sorted by the start position? Would your algorithm still work correctly? How would you handle this scenario?

Candidate: If the replacements are not sorted, then I would first sort them based on the start position in ascending order. This ensures that each replacement happens in the correct sequence without affecting the positions of subsequent replacements. Sorting would add a time complexity of O(m log m), where m is the length of replacements. The overall time complexity would then be O(n + m log m).

(Here, the interviewer tests the candidate's ability to handle unsorted input. The candidate's solution involves sorting the replacements to maintain order, which shows their problem-solving flexibility.)



候选人:对于有序替换的情况,时间复杂度是 O(n),其中 n 是 sourceCode 的长度。空间复杂度也是 O(n),因为我们可能会构造一个新的字符串。如果 replacements 无序,则需要额外的 O(m log m) 时间来进行排序。

Time and Space Complexity Summary

Interviewer: Can you summarize the time and space complexity for this problem?

Candidate: For ordered replacements, the time complexity is O(n), where n is the length of the sourceCode. The space complexity is also O(n) because we may construct a new string. If the replacements are unordered, the time complexity becomes O(n + m log m) due to sorting, where m is the number of replacement operations.



Question 2: Tuple Matching Problem

Problem Description (Original):

  • Given three arrays A, B, and C of the same length N and an integer D, find how many tuples (i, j, k) satisfy all of the following:
    • |A[i] - B[j]| <= D
    • |A[i] - C[k]| <= D
    • |B[j] - C[k]| <= D

Additional Information:

  1. There may be duplicate integers in the arrays.
  2. The arrays are sorted.


候选人:我有几个问题想确认一下。首先,是否可以假设数组 A、B、C 都是已经排好序的?另外,数组中可能有重复的元素对吗?


候选人:那么,D 是正数,并且不会对数组元素的绝对值范围产生影响,对吧?

面试官:是的,D 是一个正整数,不需要担心超出范围的情况。


Clarification Stage

Candidate: I have a couple of questions. First, can I assume the arrays A, B, and C are sorted? Also, are duplicates allowed in the arrays?

Interviewer: Yes, you can assume the arrays are sorted, and duplicates are allowed.

Candidate: Understood. Is D always positive, and we don't have to worry about array element ranges, correct?

Interviewer: That's correct, D is a positive integer, and you don’t need to worry about the range of values.

(In this stage, the candidate ensures they have all the necessary information about the problem, confirming the sorted property of the arrays and the allowance of duplicates. This understanding sets up the foundation for the candidate’s solution.)


候选人:既然数组是有序的,我们可以利用这一特性来减少不必要的比较操作。我考虑采用三指针法,即分别用三个指针遍历 A、B、C 三个数组,逐步寻找满足条件的三元组。


  1. 初始化三个指针 i, j, k 分别指向 A, B, C 的第一个元素。
  2. 然后通过比较 |A[i] - B[j]||A[i] - C[k]||B[j] - C[k]| 的结果,来判断当前指针组合是否满足条件。如果满足,则记录下来。
  3. 每次移动指针时,尽量保持满足条件,优先移动那些差距较小的指针,避免不必要的遍历。


候选人:因为每个数组都只遍历一次,所以时间复杂度是 O(N),其中 N 是数组的长度。由于我们只需要常数空间来存储指针,所以空间复杂度是 O(1)。

Algorithm Discussion Stage

Candidate: Since the arrays are sorted, we can use this property to reduce unnecessary comparisons. I plan to use the three-pointer approach, which involves having three pointers, one for each array (i for A, j for B, k for C), and iterating through the arrays to find tuples that satisfy the conditions.

The general approach would be:

  1. Initialize three pointers i, j, and k at the start of A, B, and C respectively.
  2. For each combination of values at A[i], B[j], and C[k], I’ll check if they satisfy the conditions: |A[i] - B[j]| <= D, |A[i] - C[k]| <= D, and |B[j] - C[k]| <= D.
  3. If they do, I’ll record the valid tuple. Based on the result of the comparisons, I’ll adjust the pointers to explore other valid combinations, prioritizing moving the pointer that minimizes the gap.

Interviewer: That sounds reasonable. What do you think the time complexity would be for this approach?

Candidate: Since we are only iterating through the arrays once, the time complexity would be O(N), where N is the length of the arrays. The space complexity is O(1) since we only use a constant amount of space to store the pointers.




面试官:很好,如果数组的长度 N 非常大,你认为这个算法还能有效运行吗?有没有什么优化空间?



Follow-up Questions Stage

Interviewer: What if there are many duplicate elements in the arrays? How would that affect your solution? Can you optimize it further?

Candidate: If there are duplicates, the algorithm could make unnecessary comparisons, which could slow things down. I can skip over the duplicate elements when moving the pointers, which would reduce redundant operations. Since the arrays are sorted, skipping duplicates is simple and won’t affect the correctness of the solution.

Interviewer: Good. If N is very large, do you think this approach will still perform well? Are there any further optimizations you’d consider?

Candidate: For very large arrays, the main concern is avoiding unnecessary comparisons. One potential optimization is to move the pointers faster when a condition is not met. For example, if |A[i] - B[j]| > D, I can skip multiple elements at once if I know they won’t satisfy the condition, instead of moving one by one. This would require more complex logic but could improve performance for large datasets.

(In this stage, the interviewer explores edge cases and scalability concerns. The candidate responds with an approach to handle duplicates efficiently and mentions possible optimizations for large input sizes.)



候选人:这个方法的时间复杂度是 O(N),因为我们只需要遍历每个数组一次。空间复杂度是 O(1),因为除了存储指针之外,我们没有使用额外的空间。

Time and Space Complexity Summary

Interviewer: Can you summarize the time and space complexity for your three-pointer solution?

Candidate: The time complexity is O(N), where N is the length of the arrays, because we traverse each array once. The space complexity is O(1) since we are only using a few pointers and not any additional data structures.

行为问题环节(Behavioral Questions)





Behavioral Questions Stage

After the technical questions, the interviewer transitions to behavioral questions to gauge the candidate's teamwork and communication skills.

Interviewer: Can you share a time when you worked with a team to solve a complex problem? How did you handle it?

Candidate: Sure, I worked on a project that involved processing a large volume of real-time data. The main challenge was balancing performance and stability. My team and I analyzed each module to identify performance bottlenecks and developed a plan to optimize them step by step. We communicated closely and validated each improvement with clear metrics. By focusing on incremental changes and maintaining a collaborative environment, we were able to deliver the project successfully and on time.

(Here, the candidate highlights their teamwork, problem-solving ability, and focus on data-driven decision-making, showcasing soft skills that are crucial in a collaborative work environment.)


With the interview assistance provided by CSOAHelp, the candidate successfully achieved excellent results in this interview. If you are also looking for professional guidance and support during your interview process, feel free to contact us. We offer customized interview assistance services to help you confidently tackle interview challenges and succeed.

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