CS-OA cs-vo Faang

Microsoft interview Zigzag Level Order Traversal of Binary Tree – VO support – 面试代面


Given a binary tree, the task is to return its level order traversal, i.e., the values of the nodes from top to bottom, level by level. But this time, you need to return the nodes' values at each level in zigzag order (i.e., left to right, then right to left for the next level and alternate between).





Clarification Stage

Candidate: Can the tree be null? In that case, is the output simply an empty array?

Interviewer: Yes, the tree can be null. If the input is an empty tree, you should return an empty array.

(The candidate immediately seeks clarification on edge cases, which is a common interview practice. This not only helps clarify potential input but also shows attention to detail in handling special conditions.)



候选人:好的,我能想到几种不同的解决方法。第一种是通过队列进行广度优先遍历,并且我可以使用一个布尔标志位 flag 来控制当前层是否需要反转。

  1. 我们可以使用队列来实现广度优先搜索,每次处理完一层后切换 flag 的状态。如果 flagtrue,我们就直接将该层的节点顺序加入结果;如果 flagfalse,我们就反转该层的节点顺序再加入结果。
    • 时间复杂度:O(n),因为我们需要访问每个节点一次。
    • 空间复杂度:O(n),因为队列需要保存所有节点的指针。


候选人:另外,我还可以使用双端队列(deque),它可以从两侧同时操作,效率会更高一些。在每一层根据 flag 的状态选择从哪一侧插入节点。这个方法和队列的实现类似,但是利用了双端队列的灵活性。

  1. 使用双端队列实现广度优先遍历,当 flagtrue 时,我们从左侧插入节点;当 flagfalse 时,我们从右侧插入节点。
    • 时间复杂度:O(n),每个节点只会被访问一次。
    • 空间复杂度:O(n),双端队列同样需要存储所有节点。


候选人:其实空间复杂度都是 O(n),因为在最坏情况下,队列或双端队列中都可能存储整棵树的所有节点。不过,实际占用的空间取决于树的最大层数。也就是说,虽然总体复杂度是 O(n),但每一层的最大节点数决定了所需的空间。








候选人:这里的关键在于双端队列的使用。由于双端队列可以同时从两侧插入元素,当 flagtrue 时,我们从队列的右侧插入节点值,也就是按照正常顺序处理;当 flagfalse 时,我们从左侧插入节点值,相当于对这一层进行了反转。

面试官:听起来可行。你能再详细解释一下这一过程在 Python 中是如何实现的吗?

候选人:在 Python 中,我们可以直接使用 collections 模块中的 deque,这个双端队列支持从左右两侧插入和弹出元素。对于每一层的节点,我们使用 deque 存储节点的值,根据 flag 决定从哪一侧插入。每处理完一层,切换 flag,以确保下一个层次的节点顺序正确。


Algorithm Discussion Stage

After clarifying the input constraints, the candidate proceeds to outline their approach. They present several potential solutions, discussing the pros and cons of each.

Candidate: Okay, I have a few solutions in mind. The first is a breadth-first search (BFS) using a queue and a boolean flag to determine whether to reverse the current level.

  1. We can perform a standard breadth-first search using a queue. After processing each level, we can toggle the flag to reverse the nodes in that level or not. If the flag is true, we append the nodes in order; if it's false, we reverse the order before appending.
    • Time complexity: O(n) because we visit each node exactly once.
    • Space complexity: O(n) because we need to store all the nodes in the queue.

Interviewer: Sounds good, keep going.

Candidate: Another approach is to use a deque. A deque (double-ended queue) allows us to insert and remove elements from both ends. We can use this to alternate the direction for each level based on the flag. When the flag is true, we append nodes from the left side; when flag is false, we append from the right side.

  1. Using a deque, we can handle the zigzag traversal more efficiently. On each level, we can add nodes from one side based on the flag. If the flag is true, we append nodes normally; if it's false, we append them in reverse order.
    • Time complexity: O(n), same as the queue-based solution, since we process each node once.
    • Space complexity: O(n) as well, since we need to store all nodes.

Interviewer: The deque idea is interesting. Do you see any differences in space complexity between the two methods?

Candidate: Both solutions have a space complexity of O(n), as we need to store nodes in either the queue or deque. However, the actual space usage may vary depending on the number of nodes in the largest level of the tree. So while the complexity is technically O(n), the maximum space required depends on the number of nodes at the widest level of the tree.

Interviewer: That's correct. Have you thought about any methods where you modify the tree itself to solve the problem?

Candidate: Modifying the tree structure is an option. I could potentially store extra information at certain nodes to optimize traversal. However, I think the deque solution is the most straightforward and efficient way to solve the problem quickly.

Interviewer: So, which approach are you leaning towards?

Candidate: I'll go with the deque approach. It seems the most efficient and easy to implement for this problem.

(Here, the candidate clearly presents their thought process, considers multiple solutions, and communicates effectively with the interviewer. The discussion of space complexity reveals the candidate's deep understanding of how different approaches can impact memory usage, even within the same asymptotic complexity.)



候选人:从时间复杂度来看,我们每个节点只会访问一次,所以时间复杂度是 O(n),其中 n 是节点的总数。空间复杂度同样是 O(n),因为我们需要存储每一层的节点,最坏情况下可能是树中最大的一层节点数。



行为问题环节(Behavioral Questions)





Follow-up Question Stage

Interviewer: How will you manage the node order changes during traversal? Specifically, how do you ensure the alternation between left-to-right and right-to-left levels is handled correctly?

Candidate: The key lies in the use of the deque. By leveraging its ability to insert from both ends, I can dynamically adjust how I process each level. When flag is true, I append the nodes from the left side of the deque; when flag is false, I insert nodes from the right. This allows me to toggle between left-to-right and right-to-left traversal seamlessly.

Interviewer: That makes sense. Could you explain how this works in Python, and how you’d implement the deque approach?

Candidate: In Python, we can use the collections.deque data structure. It's a built-in deque that allows for efficient append and pop operations from both ends. For each level, I will store the node values in a deque. If the flag is true, I append the nodes from the left; if it's false, I append them from the right. After processing each level, I toggle the flag to ensure the next level is processed in the opposite order.

(This part of the conversation demonstrates the candidate's familiarity with Python's built-in data structures and their ability to explain the details of the implementation clearly.)

Time and Space Complexity Summary

Interviewer: Great, now let’s wrap up by summarizing the time and space complexity of your approach.

Candidate: The time complexity is O(n) because we visit each node exactly once. The space complexity is also O(n) because we need to store nodes in the deque, and in the worst case, we might have to store all nodes in the largest level of the tree. So both time and space complexity are O(n), where n is the total number of nodes in the tree.

Interviewer: Correct. Space complexity is largely dependent on the maximum number of nodes in any level.

(In this stage, the candidate concisely wraps up the complexity analysis, ensuring they have covered both time and space considerations in their explanation.)

Behavioral Questions Stage

After the technical part, the interviewer shifts focus to behavioral questions, which are equally important in many interviews to assess the candidate's soft skills and cultural fit.

Interviewer: Can you tell me about a time when you faced a challenging project? How did you handle it?

Candidate: Sure, I was part of a large-scale project where the goal was to build a high-performance data processing system. The main challenge was balancing between memory usage and speed, as the system had to handle a large volume of data in real time. My team and I carefully analyzed each module’s performance, identifying bottlenecks. We optimized the most critical sections of the system incrementally, making sure each change had a measurable impact. In the end, we were able to deliver the project ahead of schedule.

(Through this behavioral question, the candidate showcases their ability to manage challenges in a team setting, highlight problem-solving skills, and demonstrate a proactive approach to technical challenges.)


In this Microsoft interview, I demonstrated my understanding of common algorithmic problems and my problem-solving abilities. Each problem presented different challenges, but all could be solved through logical algorithm strategies.

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