CS-OA cs-vo Faang

Google多轮面试中的算法挑战总结 – A Comprehensive Guide to Algorithm Challenges in Google Multi-round Interviews – OA 代写 – 面试辅助 – 代面试



Problem 1: String Matching with Pattern and Block Configuration

Problem Statement (English):

string: ".###.##.#..."
pattern: "?###???????"
block_config = [3, 2, 1]
  • . - empty space
  • # - occupied space
  • ? - wildcard (matches any symbol)

Return the number of substrings that match the pattern and block configuration.

Input Example:

  • string = ".###.##.#..."
  • pattern = "?###???????"
  • block_config = [3, 2, 1]


在开始题目之前,面试官解释了题目的背景。候选人首先澄清了block_config的具体含义:“这里的数字是否表示连续的#符号的个数?” 面试官确认了这个理解是正确的。


Problem 2: Concatenate Strings with a Maximum Length

Problem Statement (English):

Concatenate a list of strings so that the resulting string doesn't exceed some given maximum length. This might require removing characters from the end of strings, but we need to preserve at least one character from each string.

input = [ "abcd", "1234" ]
max_length = 9


面试官给出这个题目时,候选人首先仔细分析了例子。候选人询问:“我们需要在保持顺序的情况下,如何处理超过最大长度的问题?” 面试官提醒要确保至少保留每个字符串的一个字符,并且要使用分隔符。


Problem 3: Find the First Failing Test

Problem Statement (English):

To represent code changes, you are given an array of objects that have two class methods.
- `run_tests()` returns the result of running the tests on the object and returns a boolean.
- `get_name()` returns a string unique identifier of the object.

The result of `run_tests()` will be either `true` (tests passed) or `false` (tests failed). The first object will have passing tests, and the last will have failing tests. Going from the first object to the last, find and return the name of the first object that fails the tests.


在给出题目后,候选人理解了要从一组对象中找到第一个失败的测试对象。候选人通过二分查找法来优化查找过程。候选人提出:“能否通过并行化的方式减少测试时间?” 面试官对这个问题表示赞同,并引入了一个新的函数run_tests_parallel(),该函数可以并行执行多个测试。


Problem 4: Find Maximum Profit in Stock Trading with Transaction Fees

Problem Statement (English):

You are given an array `prices` where `prices[i]` is the price of a given stock on the `i`th day, and an integer `fee` representing a transaction fee. Find the maximum profit you can achieve. You may complete as many transactions as you like, but you need to pay the transaction fee for each transaction.

Input: prices = [1, 3, 2, 8, 4, 9], fee = 2
Output: 8


候选人采用了动态规划的解法,通过两个状态:hold表示持有股票的最大利润,cash表示未持有股票的最大利润。在解答过程中,候选人向面试官询问是否允许多次交易并支付手续费。 面试官确认了这一点。



In this Google interview, I demonstrated my understanding of common algorithmic problems and my problem-solving abilities. Each problem presented different challenges, but all could be solved through logical algorithm strategies.

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