GCA 最近笔试题由4道算法题组成,限时70分钟,题目是随机的,非常遗憾。大家只能参考一下,如果需要代写请联系我们。
The recent GCA written test consists of 4 algorithm questions, with a time limit of 70 minutes. The questions are random, which is regrettable. Everyone can only refer to it. If you need a ghostwriter, please contact us.
Problem 1:
You are given an array of integers numbers
. Return the difference between the sum of all even-positioned elements with values between -100 to 100 (inclusive of both ends) and the sum of all odd-positioned elements with values that lie within the same range.
For numbers = [101, 3, 4, 359, 2, 5]
, the output should be -2
Problem 2:
Given a string message
, your task is to shift each vowel to the position of the next vowel in the string. The last vowel should be shifted to the position of the first vowel.
For message = "codesignal"
, the output should be solution(message) = "cadosengil"
Problem 3:
You are given an array schedules
representing existing meetings for all employees over the course of an entire day, and an integer length
representing the length of a new meeting in minutes.
Your task is to find the earliest possible time when a meeting of length length
can be scheduled for all employees.
For schedules = [[60, 150], [180, 240]], [[0, 210], [360, 420]]
and length = 120
, the output should be 240
Problem 4:
Given two arrays of integers a
and b
of the same length, find the number of pairs (i, j)
such that i ≤ j
and a[i] - b[j] = a[j] - b[i]
For a = [2, -2, 5, 3]
and b = [1, 5, -1, 1]
, the output should be 6

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