Recently, we’ve received some insights into real Karat interview questions. Karat is widely used by many prominent companies for their technical interview process, and its questions often focus on fundamental coding skills such as array manipulation and file handling. Today, we will walk through two common Karat questions that test your knowledge of these basic skills. If you're preparing for a Karat interview, these questions could give you a great sense of what to expect!
Question 1: Removing Duplicates in a Sorted Array
Original Problem:
Given a sorted array of integers nums, remove the duplicates in-place such that each element appears only once. Return the new length of the array.
Certainly! Here are the sample inputs and outputs in plaintext:
Sample Input 1:
[1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2]
Sample Output 1:
[1, 2]
Problem Explanation
The task is to process a sorted integer array and remove any duplicate values, ensuring that each unique element appears only once. You must do this in-place, meaning without using extra storage space. After removing the duplicates, you should return the new length of the array, and the array's first few elements should contain the distinct values.
- 双指针法:由于数组是有序的,因此我们可以使用双指针来解决这个问题。第一个指针用于遍历数组,而第二个指针用于记录不重复元素的位置。每次遇到一个新的数字时,将其覆盖到第二个指针指向的位置,并将该指针向前移动。
- 时间复杂度:由于我们只遍历了数组一次,因此时间复杂度为O(n),其中n为数组的长度。
- 空间复杂度:由于我们是原地操作,因此空间复杂度为O(1)。
- Two-pointer technique: Given that the array is sorted, we can utilize the two-pointer approach. One pointer will iterate through the array, and the second pointer will record the position of unique elements. Whenever a new number is encountered, the value is placed at the position marked by the second pointer, and the pointer moves forward.
- Time Complexity: The solution only traverses the array once, giving it a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the array.
- Space Complexity: Since this is an in-place operation, the space complexity is O(1).
Question 2: Reading and Printing Data from a CSV File
Original Problem:
You are given a CSV file named personal_info.csv
located in the directory /data
on the system. Each line in the file contains personal information in the format: Name, Age, Email, Address1, Address2, Address3.
Name (string): The person's name.
Age (integer): The person's age.
Email (string): The person's email address.
Address1, Address2, Address3 (strings): The person's addresses. There can be 1 to 3 addresses, and some address fields may be empty.
Write a Java program that reads the personal_info.csv
file and prints each line to the console.
Sample CSV file:
Name, Age, Email, Address1, Address2, Address3
Alice,30,alice@example.com,123 Maple St,,,
Bob,25,bob@example.com,456 Oak St,PO Box 123,
Charlie,35,charlie@example.com,789 Pine St,Suite 100,Building A
Problem Explanation
In this problem, you are tasked with writing a Java program that reads personal information from a CSV file and prints each line to the console. Each line contains details such as the person's name, age, email, and up to three addresses, although some of the address fields may be empty.
- 文件读取:我们可以使用Java中的
方法将每一行以逗号为分隔符拆分成多个字段。 - 数据处理:每一行都包含五个字段,其中前三个字段是姓名、年龄和电子邮件,后三个字段是地址。我们需要检查地址字段是否为空,并根据实际情况进行处理。
- 边界条件:文件可能为空或者某些字段可能为空,我们需要确保程序能够处理这些特殊情况,而不会抛出异常。
- File Handling: Use
in Java to read the CSV file line by line. Thesplit()
method can be used to break each line into fields based on commas. - Data Processing: Each line will contain five fields: Name, Age, Email, and three address fields. Empty fields need to be handled carefully to ensure the program doesn’t crash or throw exceptions.
- Edge Cases: The file may be empty or contain lines with missing fields, so the solution should be able to handle such cases gracefully without errors.
These are two common Karat interview questions that you might face. Hopefully, this walkthrough has clarified the approach you can take to solve these problems. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out! Good luck with your Karat interview preparation!
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