Google interviews have been coming in fast and furious lately, and csoahelp.com is here to bring you some fresh new questions straight from the interviews! If you need support with your upcoming interview, feel free to reach out to me through the QR code at the end of this article.

- 假设楼层总数为8,电梯的最大承载人数为10人,且每个楼层之间的移动时间为1个单位时间。
- 你需要设计一个算法,根据电梯的当前状态(包括位置、忙碌状态和承载人数),实时选择最合适的电梯来执行任务。
Elevator Dispatch Problem
Problem Description:
Interviewer: Imagine you're responsible for managing a building with four elevators. Each elevator starts on the 1st floor. You receive a series of requests to transport passengers to different floors. Each request includes the time of the request, the floor the passenger is currently on, their destination floor, and the number of passengers. Your task is to design an algorithm that efficiently assigns each request to the best available elevator, ensuring that the system operates smoothly.
- There are 8 floors in the building.
- The maximum capacity of each elevator is 10 people.
- It takes 1 unit of time to move from one floor to the next.
- Elevators remain idle on their last serviced floor until the next request.
You must build a scheduling system that can process each request as it arrives in real-time and assigns the optimal elevator to fulfill it.
候选人:每个请求会附带时间戳吗?比如{时间, 请求楼层, 目的楼层, 人数}
Clarifying Questions:
Candidate: Can you give me an example of input and output for a typical request?
Interviewer: Sure. Let’s say at time 5, you receive a request from floor 3 to go to floor 7 with 3 passengers. You need to choose an elevator that can serve this request efficiently, and then update its state accordingly.
Candidate: Is this a streaming operation where we process each request one by one as they arrive, without knowing future requests?
Interviewer: Yes, you only process one request at a time. You don’t know what requests will come in the future, so each decision is made based on the current state of the elevators.
Candidate: Does every request start from floor 1, or can it start from other floors?
Interviewer: The requests can originate from any floor, not just floor 1.
Candidate: Does the elevator have a maximum capacity of 10 people? What happens if a request exceeds this limit?
Interviewer: Correct, each elevator has a maximum capacity of 10 people. If the request exceeds the elevator’s capacity, that elevator cannot take the request.
Solution Approach:
Candidate: My approach would be to create a class Elevator
that tracks each elevator’s state—current floor, whether it’s busy or idle, how many people it’s carrying, and its direction of travel. I’d then create an ElevatorManager
class to manage all the elevators. Every time a request comes in, the system will evaluate all elevators, calculating which one can handle the request the fastest, and assign the task to that elevator.
Interviewer: How would your algorithm choose the optimal elevator?
Candidate: I would loop through each elevator, calculating the time it would take for that elevator to reach the requested floor. If an elevator is idle, I’d simply calculate the distance between its current floor and the requested floor. If the elevator is busy, I’d calculate when it will be free and then how long it would take to reach the requested floor after completing its current task. The elevator with the shortest time would be assigned the request.
Dialogue and Follow-Up Questions:
Interviewer: Once an elevator completes a task, does it return to floor 1, or does it stay on the floor where it dropped off the passengers?
Candidate: I would assume the elevator stays on the floor where it dropped off the passengers and only moves again when the next request is made.
Interviewer: What if multiple requests come in at the same time, all targeting different elevators? How would you handle that?
Candidate: I’d handle each request sequentially, ensuring that every elevator’s state is updated before moving on to the next request. This way, I ensure that no elevator becomes overburdened and that each request is handled optimally.
Interviewer: What happens if the elevator is full and still receives a new request?
Candidate: If an elevator is at full capacity, it won’t accept any new requests until it has dropped off its passengers. Once the passengers have been dropped off, the elevator’s capacity resets, and it becomes available for new requests.
Interviewer: What if two requests are for adjacent floors, would you merge those tasks for the same elevator?
Candidate: No, I would treat each request as independent, and each would be handled by the elevator that is best suited for that specific request. I wouldn’t combine tasks unless it’s part of the same request.
This problem tests your ability to design an efficient scheduling system that manages multiple tasks in real time. The candidate demonstrated strong problem-solving skills by focusing on optimizing the elevator’s time and ensuring proper management of capacity. Through a series of clarifying questions and follow-up discussions, the candidate showed a deep understanding of edge cases and how to handle real-time decision-making. The ability to handle multiple requests while keeping the system’s performance optimal is key to solving this type of problem.
In this Google interview, I demonstrated my understanding of common algorithmic problems and my problem-solving abilities. Each problem presented different challenges, but all could be solved through logical algorithm strategies.
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