Recently, our client participated in Google's Online Assessment (OA), an important step in applying for a software engineering position. In 90 minutes, the candidate needed to solve two algorithm problems. This assessment placed high demands on the candidate's programming skills and problem-solving speed. Now, I would like to share these two problems and my solutions, hoping to help those preparing for Google interviews.
Problem 1: Locker Room
Description: A locker room is a place containing lockers where people can leave their belongings and pick them up later. Lockers can be found, for example, in changing rooms at the gym or in the sports hall.
An automatic locker system has been introduced in the locker room. When a client visits the room, the system works as follows:
- If the client has no locker assigned, the system assigns them a free locker with the lowest available number.
- If the client has a locker assigned, the system opens and frees the locker. After this, the locker can be reassigned to another client.
Lockers are numbered from 1. At the beginning of the day, all lockers are free.
The locker room is visited N times. Which locker was the last one assigned to some client?
- For clients = ["Alice", "Eve", "Bob", "Eve", "Carl", "Alice"], the following events happened:
- Locker 1 was assigned to Alice;
- Locker 2 was assigned to Eve;
- Locker 3 was assigned to Bob;
- Eve freed locker 2;
- Locker 2 was assigned to Carl;
- Alice freed locker 1.
- For clients = ["Alice", "Bob", "Bobby"], the function should return 3.
- For clients = ["Bob", "bob", "BoB", "bob", "BOB"], the function should return 2, because lowercase letters should be distinguished from uppercase letters.
- For clients = ["Alice", "Alice", "Bob", "Alice"], the function should return 2.
Assume that:
- N is an integer within the range [3..300];
- Each string in the array clients consists of at most 20 English letters ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z').
In your solution, focus on correctness. The performance of your solution will not be the focus of the assessment.
- 如果客户没有被分配到储物柜,系统会分配一个最低可用号码的储物柜给他们;
- 如果客户已分配到储物柜,系统会打开并释放储物柜。之后,该储物柜可以重新分配给其他客户。
- 对于clients = ["Alice", "Eve", "Bob", "Eve", "Carl", "Alice"],以下事件发生了:
- 储物柜1分配给了Alice;
- 储物柜2分配给了Eve;
- 储物柜3分配给了Bob;
- Eve释放了储物柜2;
- 储物柜2分配给了Carl;
- Alice释放了储物柜1。
- 对于clients = ["Alice", "Bob", "Bobby"],函数应返回3。
- 对于clients = ["Bob", "bob", "BoB", "bob", "BOB"],函数应返回2,因为小写字母和大写字母应区分。
- 对于clients = ["Alice", "Alice", "Bob", "Alice"],函数应返回2。
- N是范围[3..300]内的整数;
- 数组clients中的每个字符串由最多20个英文字母('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z')组成。
Problem: Heart Rate and Activity Level
Description: There are N consecutive measurements (numbered from 0 to N-1) taken by a health monitoring device. During the K-th measurement, the device recorded heartRate[K] and activityLevel[K] (possible levels are "Low", "Normal" or "High").
What is the largest difference between the highest and lowest values of the heart rate during a single period of the same activity level?
Write a function:
int solution(vector<int> &heartRate, vector<string> &activityLevel);
that, given an array of integers heartRate and an array of strings activityLevel, both of length N, returns the largest difference between the highest and lowest values of the heart rate during a single period of the same activity level.
- Assume that heartRate = [82, 120, 78, 61] and activityLevel = ["Normal", "High", "Normal", "Low"]. All activity periods of the same level are of length 1, so the function should return 0.
- For heartRate = [100, 87, 90, 90, 125] and activityLevel = ["Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "High", "Low"], the function should return 13.
Assume that:
- N is an integer within the range [1..100];
- Each element of array heartRate is an integer within the range [40..200];
- Each element of array activityLevel is a string that can have one of the following values: Low, Normal, High.
In your solution, focus on correctness. The performance of your solution will not be the focus of the assessment.
题目描述: 有一个健康监测设备记录了N次连续的测量(编号从0到N-1)。在第K次测量中,设备记录了心率heartRate[K]和活动水平activityLevel[K](可能的水平有“低”、“正常”或“高”)。
int solution(vector<int> &heartRate, vector<string> &activityLevel);
- 假设 heartRate = [82, 120, 78, 61] 和 activityLevel = ["Normal", "High", "Normal", "Low"]。所有相同级别的活动周期长度为1,因此函数应返回0。
- 对于 heartRate = [100, 87, 90, 90, 125] 和 activityLevel = ["Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "High", "Low"],函数应返回13。
- N是范围[1..100]内的整数;
- 数组heartRate的每个元素是范围[40..200]内的整数;
- 数组activityLevel的每个元素是一个字符串,可以有以下值之一:Low, Normal, High。
If you are also worried about Google's Online Assessment (OA) or simply don't want to go through the hassle of completing these tests on your own, we offer professional services to help you pass with flying colors. Our team has extensive experience and can provide you with one-on-one guidance and comprehensive solutions. Contact us and let's achieve success together!