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Amazon’s OOD interview question – Directed Graph of Letters – interview proxy – 面试代面

Create a class that allows you to build a directed graph of letters.

A directed graph contains Nodes, uniquely identified by a letter.
A directed graph contains Edges, which connect the Nodes as (from, to).

Your class should allow for the following operations:

  1. Add a letter to the graph.
  2. Is a letter in the graph?
  3. Add an edge, specifying the letter "from" and "to".
  4. For a given letter, get all the letters it leads to (by edges).
  5. Remove an edge, specifying the letter "from" and "to".
  6. Remove a letter, but not if it is involved in an edge.

Choose a language and begin:


有向图包含边,连接节点的形式为 (from, to)。


  1. 向图中添加一个字母。
  2. 检查一个字母是否在图中。
  3. 添加一条边,指定字母“from”和“to”。
  4. 对于给定的字母,获取所有它指向的字母(通过边)。
  5. 删除一条边,指定字母“from”和“to”。
  6. 删除一个字母,但如果它涉及到某条边则不能删除。


This problem is a recent interview question from Amazon, focusing on Object-Oriented Design (OOD). It requires designing a class to represent a directed graph of letters with specific operations. This task tests the candidate's ability to apply OOD principles to create a flexible and efficient data structure. Key operations include adding and removing nodes and edges, checking for node existence, and retrieving adjacent nodes.

Solution Approach

  1. Class Definition:
    • Define a class DirectedGraph.
    • Use a dictionary to store nodes and their corresponding edges for efficient lookups and updates.
  2. Attributes:
    • Use a dictionary graph where keys are nodes and values are sets of adjacent nodes.
  3. Methods:
    • add_node(letter): Add a node to the graph.
    • contains(letter): Check if a node exists in the graph.
    • add_edge(from_letter, to_letter): Add a directed edge from one node to another.
    • get_adjacent(letter): Get all nodes that a given node leads to.
    • remove_edge(from_letter, to_letter): Remove a directed edge between two nodes.
    • remove_node(letter): Remove a node if it has no incoming or outgoing edges.


  • Initialization: The DirectedGraph class is initialized with an empty dictionary.
  • Add Node: The add_node method adds a new node if it doesn't already exist.
  • Check Existence: The contains method checks if a node is in the graph.
  • Add Edge: The add_edge method adds a directed edge from one node to another.
  • Get Adjacent Nodes: The get_adjacent method retrieves all nodes that the given node points to.
  • Remove Edge: The remove_edge method removes a directed edge between two nodes.
  • Remove Node: The remove_node method removes a node only if it has no edges connected to or from it, ensuring no data integrity issues.

With our powerful interview assistance, candidates can effectively analyze and communicate their solutions to these interview questions. This not only demonstrates their programming abilities to the interviewer but also showcases their clear problem-solving approach and effective communication skills. These abilities are valuable not only for Amazon interviews but also for solving real-world programming problems. We wish you all the best in your interviews!

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