Problem Statement
You are given a task to write a function that, given a distance ddd and a stream of floating-point values received one at a time, checks for groups of three values that are within at most ddd distance. As values are received, they should be stored in memory. Whenever any group is found meeting the distance criteria, return the three values and remove them from memory.
你需要编写一个函数,该函数接收一个距离参数 d 和一个浮点数流,并在流中查找任意三个值,其两两之间的差值不超过 d。一旦找到满足条件的三个值,就需要返回这些值并将它们从内存中移除。
Key Requirements:
- Distance Check: The function must verify that the absolute difference between any pair of values within the group is at most d.
- In-memory Storage: Values must be stored in memory as they are received.
- Group Formation: Form groups of three values and check the distance criteria.
- Output and Removal: Return the group that meets the criteria and remove these values from memory.
- 距离检查: 函数必须验证组内任意两个值之间的绝对差值不超过 d。
- 内存存储: 值被接收时需要存储在内存中。
- 组的形成: 形成三个值的组并检查距离条件。
- 输出和移除: 返回满足条件的组并从内存中移除这些值。
Solution Approach:
- Data Structure: Use a list to store incoming values.
- Iterate and Check: For every new value, iterate through the list to check if any group of three values meets the distance criteria.
- Distance Calculation: Ensure the absolute difference between any two values in the group is at most ddd.
- Return and Remove: If a valid group is found, return it and remove the values from the list.
- 问题解决能力: 面试官希望看到你如何分析和解决问题。清晰地分解问题,并逐步解决。
- 代码质量: 代码应当简洁、易读、具有良好的注释。面试官会关注你的代码风格和结构。
- 沟通技巧: 在面试中,清晰地表达你的思路和解决方案非常重要。良好的沟通不仅帮助面试官理解你的思路,还展示了你在团队合作中的潜力。
- 思维灵活性: 面试中常会遇到需要即时调整的情况,展示你的灵活性和适应能力。
- 学习能力: 面试官可能会问到你不熟悉的问题,展示你如何快速学习和应用新知识的能力也非常重要。
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