CS-OA cs-vo Faang

台積電 OA 真題解析:從網路延遲到子陣列最大最小值


Latency Analysis 1

Divide a network of data centers into optimal local regions.

Given a network of ggg nodes data centers and LLL edges bidirectional connections, the iiith connection connects data centers g_from[i]​ and g_to[i]​ with a latency of g_weight[i]​. The max-latency of a network is the maximum latency of any connection.

Divide this network into kkk or fewer networks by removing some of the connections such that the maximum latencies of all the regions are minimized. Find the minimum possible value of the maximum max-latency of the networks formed.

1. 網路延遲分析


給定一個包含 ggg 個節點的數據中心網路,和 LLL 條雙向連接,其中第 iii 條連接連接節點 g_from[i]​和 g_to[i]​,延遲為 g_weight[i]​。網路的最大延遲是任意連接的最大延遲。

將這個網路分成 kkk 個或更少的子網路,通過移除一些連接,使得所有區域的最大延遲最小化。找出形成的子網路中最大延遲的最小可能值。



  1. 將所有邊按延遲值排序。
  2. 使用二分搜索找到最小的最大延遲值。
  3. 將延遲值小於等於這個值的邊加入,形成子網路。
  4. 如果子網路數量小於等於 kkk,更新二分搜索範圍。


Subarray MaxMin

Given an array, for each of its subarrays of a given length, determine the minimum element in the subarray. Of all these minima, determine the maximum. The first subarray starts at index 0 and successive subarrays start at indices 1, 2, and so on until the last element of the subarray is the last element of the array.

Example: n=5n = 5n=5, the number of elements. Array: [1,2,3,4,5][1, 2, 3, 4, 5][1,2,3,4,5] For subarray size k=2k = 2k=2, the subarrays are [1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5][1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5][1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5] and the minima are 1,2,3,41, 2, 3, 41,2,3,4. The maximum of these is 444.

Function Description: Complete the function maxMin in the editor below.

maxMin has the following parameters:

  • int k: an integer
  • int arr[n]: an array of integers


  • int: an integer denoting the maximum of the minima of the subarrays.

2. 子陣列最大最小值


給定一個陣列,對於每個給定長度的子陣列,找出該子陣列中的最小值。所有這些最小值中,找出最大的那個。第一個子陣列從索引 0 開始,接下來的子陣列依次從索引 1、2 等開始,直到最後一個子陣列的最後一個元素是陣列的最後一個元素。



  1. 使用雙端隊列(Deque)來保存每個窗口的最小值。
  2. 初始化隊列,將前 kkk 個元素的最小值存入隊列中。
  3. 滑動窗口,更新隊列中的最小值,並記錄當前窗口的最小值。
  4. 最後取所有窗口最小值中的最大值。

這樣可以在 O(n) 的時間複雜度內完成求解,非常高效。

Subsequence Sort

Given a binary string binary consisting of characters '0' and '1' only, perform the following 0 or more times.

  • Choose any subsequence, sort the subsequence, and replace the original subsequence with the sorted sequence.

Next, there is an array of strings, arr, of length n, where each string arr[i]arr[i]arr[i] consists of characters '0' and '1'. Each '0' character can be replaced with either '0' or '1' arbitrarily. For each string in arr, determine if there exists a character which after applying the operation described any number of times, if it is possible, output the corresponding answer, otherwise store "NO".

3. 子序列排序


給定一個由 '0' 和 '1' 組成的二進位字串,對其進行零次或多次以下操作:

  • 選擇任何子序列,對其進行排序,並將排序後的子序列替換原始子序列。




  1. 對於每個字串,檢查能否通過多次排序操作變為排序後的字串。
  2. 可以直接判斷是否能夠通過將 '0' 移動到左側,'1' 移動到右側達到排序效果。
  3. 如果可以,輸出 "YES",否則輸出 "NO"。



台積電的這幾道 OA 題目不僅考察了基本的演算法知識,還需要一定的優化技巧,希望這些解析能幫助到準備面試的朋友們。加油,祝大家面試順利!


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