Given a string s and an integer k, rearrange s such that the same characters are at least distance k from each other.
If it is not possible to rearrange the string, return an empty string "".
Input:s="aabbcc",k=3 Output: "abcabc"
Input:s="aaabc",k=3 Output: "d
Input:s="aaadbbcc",k=2 Output: "abacabcd"
Sample Input:s ="xxy"
Sample Output:"xyx"
Sample Input:s ="pppq"
Sample Output: ""
Return "" if it is not possible
To solve this problem, we need to rearrange the characters in the string such that each identical character is separated by at least k positions. The steps to achieve this are as follows:
- Frequency Count: First, count the frequency of each character in the string.
- Max-Heap for Most Frequent Character: Use a max-heap (or priority queue) to manage characters by their frequency of appearance. This helps in trying to place the most frequent characters first.
- Placement Strategy:
- Use a waiting queue to keep track of characters and the next valid position they can appear at based on the separation constraint k.
- Pop the most frequent character from the heap, append it to the result, and put it in a waiting queue with its next valid position.
- If the current position is less than the next valid position for the character at the front of the waiting queue, we face a situation where we can't place any character without violating the k-distance rule. If this happens and the max-heap is empty, it means the arrangement isn't possible, and we should return an empty string.
- Reinsertion from Queue: Characters are re-inserted into the heap from the waiting queue once their next valid position is reached.
These steps ensure that we're always trying to place the most frequent characters first while respecting the minimum required distance of k.
为了解决这个问题,我们需要重新排列字符串中的字符,使得每个相同的字符之间的距离至少为 k。解决这个问题的步骤如下:
- 频率统计:首先,统计字符串中每个字符的出现频率。
- 最大堆(优先队列):使用最大堆来根据字符的出现频率管理字符。这有助于优先安排出现频率最高的字符。
- 放置策略:
- 使用一个等待队列来跟踪字符以及它们基于 k 距离约束可以出现的下一个有效位置。
- 从堆中弹出出现频率最高的字符,将其添加到结果中,并将其与其下一个有效位置一起放入等待队列中。
- 如果当前位置小于等待队列前端字符的下一个有效位置,这时我们无法放置任何字符而不违反 k-距离规则。如果此时堆为空,意味着无法进行合理的排列,应返回空字符串。
- 队列中的重新插入:一旦达到某个字符的下一个有效位置,就从队列中重新将其插入堆中。
这些步骤确保我们总是尝试先放置最频繁的字符,同时尊重最小距离 k 的要求。
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