CS-OA cs-vo Faang

testdome OA record


Which of the following is NOT a type of trigger that can be used to start an Azure Data Factory pipeline?

  • When an HTTP request is received
  • On a schedule
  • When a file is added to an Azure Blob Storage container
  • When a new row is added to an Azure SQL table

Select all of the statements about Amazon S3 that are correct.

(Select all acceptable answers.)

  • The visibility and accessibility of the objects can be managed at either the bucket or object level.
  • Amazon S3 is cheaper and faster than Amazon Glacier.
  • It is cheaper to retrieve an object on the Standard storage class than on the Infrequent Access storage class.
  • S3 allows recovering deleted files if configured properly.
  • You can have multiple buckets with the same name.

A startup is in doubt where to host their video-sharing platform. What are sure advantages of using a cloud solution over in-house servers?

(Select all acceptable answers.)

  • No possibility of data breach.
  • Smaller initial costs.
  • Smaller lifetime costs.
  • Better control of the whole physical infrastructure.
  • It usually requires less time to add additional resources.

Two financial stock indexes, FSIA and FSIB, each contain a different, unique set of companies. Each index is stored in a separate table with different schema definitions:

  • The fsia table provides only the market capitalization of the companies.
  • The fsib table provides the share price and shares outstanding. Market capitalization can be calculated as follows: Share Price * Shares Outstanding.

The table schema:

TABLE fsia companyName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY marketCapitalization FLOAT NOT NULL TABLE fsib companyName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY sharePrice FLOAT NOT NULL sharesOutstanding INTEGER NOT NULL

Write a query that returns the name and market capitalization of each company, ordered by market capitalization, largest to smallest.

See the example case for more details.

--- Suggested testing environment:
--- For MS SQL:
--- https://sqltestonline.com/ with language set as MS SQL
--- For PostgreSQL:
--- https://sqltestonline.com/ with language set as PostgreSQL
--- For MySQL:
--- https://www.db-fiddle.com/ with MySQL version set to 8
--- For SQLite:
--- http://sqlite.online/

--- Example case create statement:
marketCapitalization FLOAT NOT NULL

sharePrice FLOAT NOT NULL,
sharesOutstanding INTEGER NOT NULL

INSERT INTO fsia(companyName, marketCapitalization) VALUES('Baggage Enterprise.', 12500);
INSERT INTO fsia(companyName, marketCapitalization) VALUES('Fun Book Corporation', 10000);

INSERT INTO fsib(companyName, sharePrice, sharesOutstanding) VALUES('Macaroni Inc.', 8, 1000);
INSERT INTO fsib(companyName, sharePrice, sharesOutstanding) VALUES('Solitude Ltd.', 12.5, 600);
INSERT INTO fsib(companyName, sharePrice, sharesOutstanding) VALUES('Universal Exports LLC', 1.2, 2300);

--- Expected output:
--- companyName marketCapitalization

--- Baggage Enterprise 12500
--- Fun Book Corporation 10000
--- Macaroni Inc. 8000
--- Solitude Ltd. 7500
--- Universal Exports LLC 2760

--- Explanation:
--- In this example.
--- Baggage Enterprise is the largest company, it therefore appears first in the results.
--- The companies descend in order by marketCapitalization until Universal Exports LLC which is the smallest.

Design a data structure that can, efficiently with respect to time used, store and check if the total of any three successively added elements is equal to a given total.

For example, MovingTotal() creates an empty container with no existing totals. append([1, 2, 3, 4]) appends elements [1, 2, 3, 4], which means that there are two existing totals (1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 2 + 3 + 4 = 9). append([5]) appends element 5 and creates an additional total from [3, 4, 5]. There would now be three totals (1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 2 + 3 + 4 = 9, and 3 + 4 + 5 = 12). At this point contains(6), contains(9), and contains(12) should return True, while contains(7) should return False.

class MovingTotal:

def append(self, numbers):
    :param numbers: (list) The list of numbers.

def contains(self, total):
    :param total: (int) The total to check for.
    :returns: (bool) If MovingTotal contains the total.
    return None

if name == "main":
movingtotal = MovingTotal()

movingtotal.append([1, 2, 3, 4])




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