zoominfo VO record

zoominfo 这家公司的主要业务就是盗取别人的信息,最近几年营业额一直在以60%-70%的速度增长。
 往年都是不招h1b,几年有钱了,政策直接一变,现在只招h1b, 貌似不知怎么回事意识到外援非常好用了。


ZI Wildcards

Have the function Wildcards(str) read str which will contain two strings separated by a space. The first string will consist of the following sets of characters: +, , $, and {N} which is optional. The plus (+) character represents a single alphabetic character, the ($) character represents a number between 1-9, and the asterisk () represents a sequence of the same alphanumeric character of length 3 unless it is followed by {N} which represents how many characters should appear in the sequence where N will be at least 1. Your goal is to determine if the second string exactly matches the pattern of the first string in the input.

When an input string is invalid, return invalid. Do not assume your inputs will be valid.

For example: if str is "+*+{5} jtggggg" then the second string in this case does match the pattern, so your program should return the string true. If the second string does not match the pattern your program should return the string false.


Input: "++*{5} gheeeee" Output: true

Based on this, you are supposed to write a Python function that takes a string containing a pattern and another string. The function should check if the second string matches the given pattern according to the rules provided and return true or false accordingly. If the input string doesn't follow the input pattern, the function should return invalid.

第二轮是组长来面,组长的题比较复杂。第一道题,如果用户在写自己名字的时候闲着没事在后面加上了如R.N CPA PHD.等无用的词,怎样去掉。我给出的解法是建立哈希表或者数量众多就建立数据库,先将所有含有'.'的并且不在库内的去掉。之后去掉所有全大写的。然后我就想不到了。后来想到还可以利用机器学习,人手工剔除单词机器靠学习来记住。

第二道题,给出一家公司和他的几个关键词,判断他的类型。比如给出一个公司,它的关键词是education, cs, mast‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍er,要能判断出来它是university。我给出的方法是:首先针对类型分类,将其分成大类,比如school, industry, web,之后再在下面下分小类。给没个关键词以相应的权值,比如education有8点school权值,如果权值达到一定数量则断定为该类型。如果为大类再继续依靠其他关键词和权值来判断小类。写完之后我还补充了一句针对某些行业还可以将类型的层次增加。



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