1.Which of the following sorting algorithms are not stable?
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Heap Sort
正确答案是2, 5. 快速排序和堆排序不是稳定的排序算法,这意味着它们可能会改变相等元素的相对顺序。
2.Which of the following are true about React?
- React is a framework developed by Facebook.
- The
method in React is automatically called whenever the state changes. - In React, both state and props are read-only.
- React uses a diffing algorithm for efficient updates and re-renders of components.
- React requires JSX to function properly.
正确答案是2, 4. React是Facebook开发的库(而不是框架)。当state变化时,React确实会自动调用render
3.Which of the following strategies are effective for handling high concurrent requests in backend services?
- Load balancing
- Caching
- Vertical Scaling
- Using a non-blocking I/O model
- Allowing CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
正确答案是A. 1, 2, 4. 负载均衡,缓存和使用非阻塞I/O模型都是处理后端服务中高并发请求的有效策略。而垂直扩展(增加单个服务器的能力)虽然可能有帮助,但它有其局限性,并不能真正解决高并发请求的问题。而CORS(跨源资源共享)是一个安全性的特性,和处理高并发请求无直接关系。